
Dignitaries are members of high society, mid or high level government officials, or celebrities famous only for being famous. Oftentimes these sorts are found only in fairly limited numbers, but they are found almost everywhere, barring, perhaps feral worlds, and those with small popualations. As a result those that are employed, are frequently employed by a wide host of employers, though most dignitaries find themselves working for large bodies such as interstellar states or megacorporations. Dilettantes however, are employed by nobody.  

Skills and Training

1D Personal Development Service Skills Advanced Education (EDU 8+)
1 INT+1 Admin Admin
2 EDU +1 Advocate Advocate
3 SOC +1 Electronics Language
4 Language Diplomat Leadership
5 Animals Language Diplomat
6 Melee (blade) Persuade Art
1D Administrator Diplomat Dilettante
1 Admin Advocate Carouse
2 Advocate Carouse Deception
3 Broker Language Flyer
4 Diplomat Steward Streetwise
5 Leadership Diplomat Gambler
6 Persuade Deception Art

Ranks and Bonuses

Rank Title (Administrator) Skill or Bonus
0 Assistant
1 Clerk Admin 1
2 Supervisor
3 Manager Advocate 1
4 Chief
5 Director Leadership 1
6 Minister
Rank Title (Diplomat) Skill or Bonus
0 Intern Language (any) 1
1 3rd Secretary Admin 1
2 2nd Secretary
3 1st Secretary Advocate 1
4 Consul
5 Ambassador Diplomat 1
6 Minister
Rank Title (Dilettante) Skill or Bonus
2 Carouse 1
4 Persuade 1
6 Jack-of-all-Trades
1D Mishap
1 Severely injured (this is the same as a result of 2 on the Injury Table). Alternatively, roll twice on the Injury Table and take the lower result.
2 A major scandal forces you out of your position. Lose one SOC.
3 A disaster or war strikes. Roll Stealth 8+ or Deception 8+ to escape unhurt. If you fail, roll on the Injury Table.
4 Political manoeuvrings usurp your position. Increase Diplomat or Advocate by one level and gain a Rival.
5 An assassin attempts to end your life. Roll END 8+. If you fail, roll on the Injury Table.
6 Injured. Roll on the Injury Table.


2D Event
2 Disaster! Roll on the Mishap Table, but you are not ejected from this career.
3 Political upheaval strikes your homeworld, and you are caught up in the revolution. Gain either Advocate 1, Persuade 1, Diplomat 1 or Streetwise 1. Roll whichever skill you chose 8+. If you succeed you come out on the winning side, and gain DM+2 to your next Advancement roll. Fail, and you suffer DM-2 to your next Survival roll.
4 Your time as an official or playboy gives you a wide range of experiences. Gain one of Animals (riding) 1, Art 1, Carouse 1, or Streetwise 1.
5 You inherit a gift from a rich relative, or receive a gift from a visiting dignitary. Gain DM+1 to any one Benefit roll.
6 You become deeply involved in politics on your world of residence, becoming a player in the political intrigues of government. Gain one level in Advocate, Admin, Diplomacy or Persuade, but also gain a Rival.
7 Life Event. Roll on the Life Events Table.
8 A conspiracy of attempts to recruit you. If you refuse, gain the conspiracy as an Enemy. If you accept, roll Deception 8+ or Persuade 8+. If you fail, roll on the Mishap Table as the conspiracy collapses. If you succeed, Gain one level of Deception, Persuade, Tactics or Carouse.
9 Your governorship is acclaimed by all as being fair and wise – or in the case of a dilettante, you sponge off your family’s wealth a while longer. Gain either a jealous relative or an unhappy subject as an Enemy. Gain DM+2 to your next Advancement check.
10 You manipulate and charm your way through high society. Gain one level of Carouse, Diplomat, Persuade or Steward, as well as a Rival and an Ally.
11 You make an alliance with a powerful and charismatic dignitary, who becomes an Ally. Either gain one level of Leadership or DM+4 to your next Advancement roll thanks to their aid.
12 Your efforts do not go unnoticed by your government. You are automatically promoted. Dilettantes re-roll this result.


1D Cash Benefit
1 GCr10,000 Ship Share
2 GCr10,000 Two Ship Shares
3 GCr50,000 Blade
4 GCr50,000 SOC +1
5 GCr100,000 SOC +2
6 GCr100,000 Yacht
7 GCr200,000 SOC +1 and Yacht
Qualification: SOC 10+
DM -1 for every previous career
Automatic qualification for a SOC is 10 or higher
Assignment: You must choose one of the below as an assignment.
Administrator: A member of government, usually in a position of prestige, especially for a major state.
Diplomat: A specifically trained member of a state's diplomatic service.
Dilettante: A person famous largely for being famous, often known as wastrels.
Administrator. INT 4+
Diplomat. INT 5+
Dilettante. SOC 3+
Administrator. EDU 6+
Diplomat. SOC 7+
Dilettante. INT 8+


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