Fracana League

The Fracana League is a relatively young state, breaking away from the Union of Sol only after the stabilization of interstellar travel. The Fracana League is relatively small, with only three systems, but highly technologically advanced, as well as maintaining a powerful navy, with a number of advanced sol sector vessels operating on automation deterring foreign invasion from the two major powers of the region. The Fracana League is renowned for its impartiality, on the international stage, generally attempting to maintain a middle ground in the ideological fighting wracking the galaxy, though it finds itself hard pressed by its aggressively expansionistic neighbors, and is therefore somewhat hostile to them.


The Fracana League could be broadly described as possessing a Solar culture, or at least a solar culture with greater freedom of expression. The Fracana League prioritizes autonomy as a central cultural value, and encourages it within its populace. However, this autonomy is tempered with a strong sense of local communitarianism, with emphasis placed on small communities supporting each other to the greatest extent possible. The League has become a major exporter of culture in recent years, thanks in part to the meteoric rise of the Scipion Studio Enterprises. Indeed, trideo, traditional film, and music are some of the largest exports by value made by the League, on top of being a major source of sport and news broadcasting, particularly in the Sol Sector and Gemini Sector.


The Fracana League is a young nation, with a relatively short history even as Scipion itself was one of the earlier colonies during the Age of Unity. Founded as one of the earlier colonies of the, at the time United Nations of Earth, Scipion was a long form project, with the terraforming process, utilizing outmoded, pre-Stellar technologies, taking centuries, the early colonists struggling on a dangerous world. After this extensive process, the people of Scipion could take stock in one of the most impressive projects of terraforming, turning their barren rock into a veritable garden. Scipion would remain relatively quiet throughout the rest of the age of Unity, avoiding the worst effects of the Jred Invasion.   The Great Cataclysm would be a transformative time for Scipion. The shattering of interstellar civilization, and the death of Old Earth caused a sea change in how the scattered worlds of humanity would interact, and Scipion was no exception. Swept up in the totalitarian Union of Sol, Scipion would become the nominal sector capital of the Solist rump state. For almost two centuries, Scipion would serve as the primary breadbasket of the Union, providing most of the food for the whole of the state. Over time however, the people of Scipion would increasingly resent the ever increasing demands on their world by their Solar overlords. An independence movement grew quickly, and overcame the ability of the world's governor to suppress. After a short and bloody war, fought mostly in the interstellar void, Scipion would gain independence, and alongside a handful of minor colonies would go on to form the Fracana League.   The newly founded league would struggle to survive in the first decades of its independence, hemmed on by an incredibly hostile Sol, and an expansionist State of Pariah, and Cetian Union, the Fracana League would fight a number of these skirmishes to establish security of their own frontier. These skirmishes would however be quite costly, and the League struggled with its lack of industrial might in these years, the ideological debate between Fentierist and Stelsoc factions of the Fracani government resulted in a heterodox approach to the economic development of the League, and saw the establishment of several mining colonies. This period would see Fracana become a much more influential, and the rapid growth of Scipion Studio Enterprises (SSE), into one of the largest trideo producers in charted space would see Fracana become a major cultural exporter, and by extension a major producer of the news, and Fracani people can at times be tastemakers for much of the rest of the galaxy.

Demography and Population

The Fracana League has a relatively small population owing to the small number of settled worlds under its control. This however, makes the population relatively easy to count, with a total population of 1,000,174,986, barely over one billion. The overwhelming majority of the population lives on the capital planet, Scipion which is a highly developed, and largely self-sufficient world. The outer colonies particularly those outside the Fracana System itself, are relatively miniscule in population with not a single world breaching the low tens of thousands of population outside the secondary world of the Fracana System, which maintains a population of 107,751. Fracana's population largely consistents of descendants of Old Earth's global south, with a particularly strong population of those who can trace their routes to north and east Africa, with a large minority, the second largest population, consisting of those who can trace their lineage to southeast Asia.


The territory of the Fracana League is among the smallest of organized states in charted space, with only four parsecs of space claimed by the League. Of these, three parsecs of space have inhabited systems, meaning Fracani territory is among the densest in terms of settlement. The Fracana League is uninterested in further expansion, seeking only to maintain control of the territory it already has. The worlds occupied by the Fracana League tend to be relatively sparsely populated, with no world having over a billion inhabitants, but is also one of the most technologically developed in the world, with Fracani worlds approaching, or meeting pre-fall levels of development throughout the whole of its territory.


The Fracana League is not a military superpower by any means, but maintains some amount of defensive capability. Manpower shortages are a near constant concern and as a result, the Fracana League makes heavy use of automation in its military, including building combat drones in enormous quantities. Its fleet is quite small, measured in the dozens, rather than the hundreds, of warships, though all of the vessels in its fleet are some of the most advanced in charted space, coming from original Sol Sector Fleet stocks, or improvements upon those initial designs. The Fracana League maintains a small naval infantry corps, though aside from the fleet, an outsized militarized customs force, and its planetary forces form the bulk of its military.

Technological Level

As a direct breakaway state from the Union of Sol itself, the Fracana League maintains an extremely high level of development, approaching or reaching the pinnacle of technologies before the Great Cataclysm. Indeed, for those who lack the connections to get into the Union of Sol, but seek the rare, highly advanced devices that are possessed only in a few worlds. The Naval facility at Khankol, being relatively newly established, struggles to meet the needs of the fleet, but is building up capability in that regard.


Most of the populace of the Fracana League is areligious, with a slight majority being either athiest or agnostic. Those who do adhere to a faith, tend not to be particularly zealous. New religious, such as Opus Dei, struggle to gain many followers within the League, and most religious people are followers of the traditional faiths of Old Earth. Of these, Islam is most prominent, with Muslims representing as much as a third of the overall population of the League, though most are disinclined to follow the interpretations of the Calliph of Tefeza in matters of the faith.

Foreign Relations

The Fracana League is well renowned for its neutral stance on most international matters, with an open policy of adopting ideas from Stelsoc and Frentierist societies, and trading openly with both, and is willing to engage with Solist states, even though in real terms they find themselves at odds with all prominent examples. Their best relationship in the region, is with the State of Pariah, which, after a brief conflict settled their borders, and put the worst behind them. It has worse relations with the Union of Sol and Cetian Union, both of which have frequent skirmishes, over the interstellar void, and the valuable Jump Gates held there. Most other states however, it maintains diplomatic relations with and little else.


Having only fairly recently broken from of the most repressive, Solist State in charted space, the Fracana League officially is opposed to the totalitarian controls of Solism. As a result, controls in the Fracana League are generally fairly lax. The primary exception to this however, comes in the form of import controls, which are indeed quite stringent, fairly widespread bans on the import of weapons, foreign computers, and drugs. Foreign megacorporations also struggle to establish themselves in the Fracani League as the Stelsoc wing of the Fracani Assembly push to keep out these potentially dangerous, and highly influential organizations.

Agriculture & Industry

The Fracani League's primary world, was, before independence one of the principle breadbaskets of the Union of Sol, and as a result the agricultural output of the Fracani League is quite high, more than sufficient to meet the needs of the League itself with a considerable surplus to export. Matters are more tight in industrial output, where the League is largely self-sufficient, though it struggles to produce heavier machinery sufficient to meet its needs. In recent years, the League has begun to expand its industrial capacity engaging in heavy mining operations, and opening production facilities on off-world colonies. Preservation of Laogai's ecosystem has been a priority, and one that conflicts with the mass industrialization of the primary world of the league, however, the natural beauty of the world has provided for ample tourism revenue, and perfect locations for trideo production, which is one of Fracana's chief exports.


The education system within the Fracana system is one of the most comprehensive and refined in charted space. Due to the incredibly small populations of the outer worlds of the Fracana League, almost all education actually takes place on Scipion itself, though the larger outer colonies do have small schools in place handling the dozens of students that exist on them. Students all receive a broad based, education in reading and writing, maths, the social and natural sciences, and usually at least two or three other languages. Vocational training does take place, favoring the techniques of spaceborne mining, though vocational studies only occur after a sufficient mark in the general education has been obtained.


The Fracana League is highly developed, thanks in large part to its small size, and position as being a major gateway into the Sol Sector. Both of the primary inhabited systems of the League are linked by Jump Gate, leaving only the Khankol System, a military base with a minimal population, disconnected from the network. The League maintains its Jump Gates rigorously and helps the Galactic Surveyor's Guild, maintain the Jump Gates on the approaches to and from the Terminus System as well.

Forward, Always Forward

UGP - Fracana League 31374-5
Founding Date
AC 285
Geopolitical, Republic
Alternative Names
Independent Solar Worlds
Government System
Democracy, Presidential
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Mixed economy
Fracani RenG-Credit (External transactions only)
Major Exports
Entertainment Products, Luxury Starships, Computers
Major Imports
Large Starships, Planetary Vehicles, Industrial Machinery
Legislative Body
The League Assembly
Judicial Body
The High Court of Fracana
Executive Body
The Chancellor of Fracana
Controlled Territories

Trade Agreement

Diplomatic Recognition

Diplomatic Recognition

Diplomatic Recognition

Diplomatic Recognition

Diplomatic Recognition

Diplomatic Recognition

Diplomatic Recognition

Diplomatic Recognition

Cold War

Frequent skirmishes over sections of interstellar space.

Diplomatic Recognition

Chilly relations since the League declared independence from the Union


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