
Entertainers are individuals who are involved with the media, whether as reporters, artists or as performing entertainers. Entertainers survive and sometimes thrive on the attention of the masses, and every day is a struggle for the eye of the town, the world, or rarely, the galaxy. Entertainment, despite certain appearances, is often a cutthroat field, especially for those that seek to advance within their careers, with competition being quite fierce. Though generally most common on advanced worlds, entertainers can found anywhere in charted space.

Skills and Training

1D Personal Development Service Skills Advanced Education (EDU 8+)
1 DEX +1 Art Advocate
2 INT +1 Carouse Broker
3 SOC +1 Deception Deception
4 Language Drive Science
5 Gambler Persuade Streetwise
6 Jack-of-all-Trades Steward Diplomate
1D Artist Journalist Performer
1 Art Art (holography or write) Art (performer or instrument)
2 Carouse Electronics Athletics
3 Electronics (computers) Drive Carouse
4 Gambler Investigate Deception
5 Persuade Recon Stealth
6 Profession Streetwise Streetwise

Ranks and Bonuses

Rank Title (Artist) Skill or Bonus
1 Art 1
2 Locally Famous Artist
3 Broker 1
4 Regionally Famous Artist
6 Galactically Famous Artist SOC +1
Rank Title (Journalist) Skill or Bonus
1 Freelancer Electronics (comms) 1
2 Staff Write Investigate 1
4 Correspondent Persuade 1
7 Senior Correspondent
Rank Title (Entertainer) Skill or Bonus
2 Locally Famous Performer SOC +1
4 Regionally Famous Performer SOC +1
6 Galactically Famous Performer SOC +1


1D Mishap
1 Severely injured (this is the same as a result of 2 on the Injury Table). Alternatively, roll twice on the Injury Table and take the lower result.
2 You are involved in scandal, you are ejected from this career, but suffer no further penalty.
3 Public opinion turns on you. Reduce your SOC by 1.
4 A rival steals your work and claims it as their own. Roll Advocate 8+. If you succeed you are ejected from this career, but retain your last benefit roll. If you fail convert a Rival into an enemy, or gain an Enemy.
5 An investigation, tour, project or expedition goes wrong, stranding you far from home. By the time you return you find you've lost your job, or been forgotten. Gain one of Survival 1, Pilot 1, Persuade 1 or Streetwise 1.
6 A controversial work of yours sees you chased from your home, but you find help in a new location, get a +2 to your next qualification roll.


2D Event
2 Disaster! Roll on the Mishap Table, but you are not ejected from this career.
3 You are invited to take part in a controversial event or exhibition. Roll Art or Investigate 8+. If you succeed, gain one SOC. If you fail, lose one SOC.
4 You are a part of your homeworld’s celebrity circles. Gain one of Carouse 1, Persuade 1, Steward 1 or a Contact.
5 One of your works is especially well received and popular, making you a minor celebrity. Gain DM+1 to any one Benefit roll.
6 You gain a patron in the arts. Gain DM+2 to your next Advancement check and a Contact.
7 Life Event. Roll on the Life Events Table.
8 You have the opportunity to criticise or even bring down a questionable political leader on your homeworld. If you refuse and support the leader, you gain nothing. If you accept, gain an Enemy and roll Art or Persuade 8+. If you succeed, gain one level in any skill you already have. If you fail, increase a skill anyway and roll on the Mishap table.
9 You go on a tour of the sector, visiting several worlds. Gain D3 Contacts.
10 One of your pieces of art is stolen, and the investigation brings you into the criminal underworld. Gain one of Streetwise 1, Investigate 1, Recon 1 or Stealth 1.
11 As an artist, you lead a strange and charmed life. Go to the Life Events Table and have an Unusual Event.
12 You win a prestigious prize. You are automatically promoted.


1D Cash Benefit
1 None Contact
2 None SOC +1
3 GCr10,000 Contact
4 GCr10,000 SOC +1
5 GCr40,000 INT +1
6 GCr40,000 Two Ship Shares
7 GCr80,000 SOC +1 and EDU +1
Qualification: INT or DEX 5+
DM -1 for each previous career
Assignment: You must choose one of the below as an assignment.
Artist: A writer, a holographer, a composer, or another creative whose work is performed in studios rather than in public.
Journalist: A reporter on papers, on video, or on interstellar broadcast trideo reporting the news for those who'll listen.
Performer: An actor, dancer, professional athlete or somebody else who primarily performs in front of an audience directly.
Artist. SOC 6+
Journalist. EDU 7+
Performer. INT 5+
Artist. INT 6+
Journalist. INT 5+
Performer. SOC 7+


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