Major Corporations and Cooperatives


Istiniel Agricultural Company (Istiniel Agra)

UOP - Istiniel Agricultural Company 31273
Maximum Tech Level: 10
Concerns: Food Crops, Livestock, Pharmaceutical Crops, Industrial Crops
Istiniel Agricultural Company, or Istiniel Agra is a major agricorp situated in the Pollux System. Istiniel Agra grows large amounts of food crops and helps feed the population of the Pollux System. It is also a grower of crops and livestock for industrial purposes, as well as pharmaceuticals. Istiniel Agra is one of the largest producers of the plants needed to produce PSI drugs in Civilized Space.


Cindal Arms

UOP - Cindal Arms 02153
Maximum Tech Level - 15
Concerns: Advanced, specialty armaments
Cindal Arms is a long standing and highly respected armaments manufacturer known for making high quality, and deceptively advanced products, noteworthily pursuing chemical firearms to what is believed to be the height of their capability in an era were energy weapons and gauss weapons have increasingly become dominant. Cindal Arms is a craftsman producer, relying on highly skilled workers to produce their products in, admitedly small numbers. Cindal Arms tend to be relatively expensive, but very high quality.

Comun de Eiaxemple Centro Industrial Robotica (CECIR)

UOP - Comun de Eiaxemple Centro Industrial Robotica 322254
Maximum Tech Level: 16 (18 with reverse engineered Parditech) Concerns: Robots, Artificial Intelligence, Fabrication Chambers, Robotic and Drone Brains
The Comun de Eiaxemple Centro Industrial Robotica, also known as CECIR is a premier designer and manufacturer of robots in the Cincastrella Confederacy. It has a reputation for building robots of high quality and advanced technology, and is one of the few manufacturers to have produced convincing androids. CECIR also sells its designs to other manufacturers, alongside fabrication chambers to trusted entities, particularly in the Stelsoc Movement.

Federacío Stelar Industrial (FSI)

UOP - Federacío Stelar Industrial 32383
Maximum Tech Level: TL - 16 (20 with reverse engineered Parditech)
Concerns: Battledress, Military and Consumer Electronics, Advanced Home Goods, Toolsets, and Survival Equipment, Powered Melee Weaponry, Energy Weaponry, Jumpgate Assemblies, Grav Vehicles, Advanced Smallcraft, and Advanced Starships
Federacío Stelar Industrial is the largest single industrial cooperative operating within the Cincastrella Confederacy. FSI has nearly four hundred million workers spread over the worlds of the Confederacy and hundreds of thousands in other nations, particularly within the Aseni Popular Republic. Within the confederacy, it is the primary organization responsible for reverse engineering Pardian artifact technologies.

Fortaleza Oficina de Armas

UOP - Fortaleza Oficina de Armas 32382
Maximum Tech Level - 12
Concerns: Body Armor, Combat Implants, Slugthrowing Weaponry, Stun Weaponry, Bladed Weaponry, Tracked and Wheeled Combat Vehicles
The Fortaleza Oficina de Armas is a major armaments manufacturer hailing from the Cincastrella Confederacy. Founded on one of the Confederacy's lower tech worlds, Fortaleza explicitly defines itself by its tendency to produce simpler, lower technology weaponry for use with planetary militia groups and revolutionary movements across the galaxy.

Hongwen Medical Industrial Bureau

UOP - Hongwen Medical Industrial Bureau 32364
Maximum Tech Level - 15 (16 when building equipment from L'Institutul per la Ricerca Psionica)
Concerns: Cybernetic Limbs replacements, Cybernetic Implants, Medical Robots, Medical Electronics Pharmaceuticals
The Hongwen Medical Industrial Bureau is a State operated mdeical corporation owned by the planetary authorities of Hongwen in the Zui Liang System, and is part of the medical consortium managed by the central government of the Democratic Republic of Yuanjing. It is Yuanjing's most technologically advanced and productive medical producer making cybernetics, pharmaceuticals and medical robots.

Jayne Computer Corporation (Jaynecorp)

UOP - Jayne Computer Corporation 32154
Maximum Tech Level 13 (TL 16 when building equipment from L'Institutul per la Ricerca Psionica)
Concerns: Computers, Robot Brains, Electronics
Jayne Computer Corporation, Jaynecorp is an electronics manufacturer hailing from the Tipu System. It produces relatively advanced computers, electronic equipment, sensor equipment. It is a major partner with L'Institutul per la Ricerca Psionica, producing many of the sensors used by the L'Institutul to detect psionic potential.

Lysander Biochemical

UOP - Lysander Biochemical 32284
Maximum Tech Level - 13
Concerns: Biochemical compounds, drugs, medical machinery, laboratory equipment Lysander Biochemical is a major corporation operating out of frontier space, perhaps the premier medical manufacturer outside the more civilized regions. Lysander biochemical is known primarily for its extensive array of medcines. However it has, in recent years bgun to expand its operations, building medical equipment as well as lab equipment.

Phalange Defense Systems

UOP - Phalange Defense Systems 32256
Maximum TL 15 (TL 17 when building equipment from L'Institutul per la Ricerca Psionica)
Concerns: Armor (including Battledress) Melee Weapons, Military Electronics, Slugthrowing Firearms, Combat Support Robots, Military Support Vehicles
Phalange Defense Systems is Los Angeles' largest military manufacturer responsible for meeting constructing a lot of the military support hardware and light weaponry used by the System's defense force.

Pollux Pharmaceutical Company (Pollux Pharma)

UOP - Pollux Pharmaceutical Company 32147
Maximum TL 14
Concerns: Pharmaceuticals
Pollux Pharma is a pharmaceutical producer from the Gemini Sector, and is a major backer of the L'Institutul, producing much of the pharmaceuticals used by the Institute, and is the primary producer of psi drugs in Civilized Space. It sources its material from Istiniel Agra, which grows many of the special genetically modified plants necessary to produce PSI drugs.

Solar Industrial Consortium (SIC)

UOP - Solar Industrial Consortium 32386
Maximum Tech Level - 16
Concerns: Construction Equipment, Industrial Machinery, Fabrication Chambers, Resource Extraction Equipment, Agricultural Equipment, Jumpgate Assemblies, Power Plants Industrial Robots, Heavy Utility Vehicles, Utility Spacecraft, Hostile Environment Mining
The Solar Industrial Consortium is a State operated corporate entity that is primarily responsible for industrial equipment and other utility equipment for use in major enterprises. It is also one of the major planetoid miners within the Union of Sol. For the most part SIC produces to meet the needs of the Solar economy, but there is enough excess production to sell to foreign nations and independent worlds as well.

Stele Medical Design (Stele Medical)

UOP - Stele Medical Design 32254
Maximum Tech Level - 16
Concerns: Cybernetic Limbs, Cybernetic Implants, Medical Grade Robots, Medical Electronics
Stele Medical Design is a Centauri medical designer that produces its own designs as well as those designed by L'Institutul per la Ricerca Psionica. Stele Medical is highly regarded for producing quality implants, especially for private citizens. However their cybernetics tend to be quite expensive, beyond typical civilian use.

Sveka Energy Systems (Sveka Power)

UOP - Sveka Energy Systems 32362
Maximum Tech Level - 15
Concerns: Fusion Reactors, High Density Batteries, Refined Reactor Fuel
Sveka Energy Systems is a Centauri corporation that manufactures mid and high tech power systems, especially fusion reactors, as well as harvesting and refining fuel for the reactors it builds. Sveka Power is a comparatively small company by the standards of interstellar megacorps, but is contracted by Centauri shipbuilders as the premier producer of reactors for ships of Centauri design.

Wolf Shipbuilding Corporation

UOP - Wolf Shipbuilding Corporation 33274
Maximum Tech Level - 15 (TL 16 when producing equipment for L'Institutul per la Ricerca Psionica or Standard Build Template vessels)
Concerns: Smallcraft, Spacecraft, Starships
Wolf Shipbuilding Corporation is the premier shipbuilder for the Centauri Republic, and one of the largest private shipbuilding corporations in Civilized Space. It produces large quantities of civilian and military ships, but is perhaps most famous for building luxury Starliners. It is also one of the few major shipyards rated and equipped with the means to produce Sol Sector Fleet starships.

Yuanjing State Armaments Bureau (YUSA)

UOP - Yuanjing State Armaments Bureau 32495
Maximum Tech Level - 14
Concerns: Armor (Including Battledress), Military Electronics, Survival Equipment, Melee Weaponry, Firearms, Combat Robots, Armored Combat Vehicles, Military Smallcraft, Military Spaceships, and Military Starships
Yuanjing State Armaments is perhaps best described as a syndicate of armament and military equipment design bureaus responsible for producing nearly all of the materiel utilized by the Democratic Republic of Yuanjing. It has expanded its operations, and has begun extending its services and its operations to foreign territory, especially within the Stelsoc sphere as well.


Melnone Auction House

UOP - Melnone Auction House 37223
Maximum Tech Level - 14
Concerns - Dealership of fine arts, antiquities, Pardian artifacts
Melnone Auction House is a a luxury auction house located in the Pandya System. Historically a relatively unimportant organization, under the direction of its new owner Parvati Melnone, it has become a major meeting place for high rollers from across civilized space to meet and socialize before silently bidding on rare antiquities. The Auction House routinely meets twice a year with particpants (often by invite only) arrive to the auction house, based out of a former luxury resort, and hosts an auction with items which typically sell for billions. On the off season, the Auction House serves a high end resort as it once did, ensuring a steady stream of revenue, as well as possibly serving as a means to bring new items for sale to it. Given the frequency of auctions and the high value of items for sale it is widely believed that Ms. Melnone has an extensive network of information gatherers, possibly including former intelligences agencies, at her beck and call.

Planetary Expeditions (Plan-Ex)

UOP - Planetary Expeditions 34584
Maximum Tech Level - 16 (up to 20 with reversed engineered alien tech)
Concerns: Alien artifacts, alien technology, animal flora, alien fauna, reverse engineered alien technology
Planetary Expeditions is the premier xeno-archaeological and xeno-biological mercantile corporation. Its stock and trade is in Pardian artifacts, and live specimens of alien life. For the most part, these are curiosities for the extremely wealthy, however, occasionally Plan-Ex uncovers a data crystal and manages to reverse engineer alien technology, which, rarely, results in a device beyond the capabilities of modern humanity.


Centauri Bank of Chiron

UOP - Centauri Bank of Chiron 37464
Maximum Tech Level - 16
Concerns: Loans, stock trading, currency exchange, banking services, starship financial services
The Centauri Bank of Chiron is a major financial institution operating within the Sol Sector. It provides basic banking services, including mortgages for starships to most who walk through the door. However the real money is providing financial services for other corporate entities. The Bank of Chiron has a reputation for being strict but mostly fair in the handling of its loans, with terms that are generally reasonable, but backed with violence from dangerous and discretionary mercenary companies.


Scipion Studio Enterprises (SSE)

UOP - Scipion Studio Enterprises 36584
Maximum Tech Level - 16
Concerns: News, Trideo Serials, Feature Trideo, Film Serials, Feature Film, Film Shorts, Recorded Music, Music Tours, Entertainment Events
Scipion Studio Enterprises is the most powerful media enterprise in Civilized Space, with broad reach producing vast quantities of news and entertainment and exporting it throughout the known galaxy. SSE also operates a number of subsidiary companies that it uses to produce works that executives would prefer not be associated with the main brand.

Private Security and Military

Myrmidon Security Solutions

UOP - Myrmidon Security Solutions 38466
Maximum Tech Level - 14
Concerns: Private Security Services, Bodyguard Details, Covert Operations, Mercenary Operations
Myrmidon is one of the galaxy's most successful mercenary companies, providing services throughout the rimward sectors, though it has had some trouble breaking into other markets, primarily in civilized space. It operates off of the world of Medway, which it seized from a small group of freeholders in AC 496, which is a significant forward operating base, allowing it to maintain multiple strike forces of significant size. This gives Myrmidon the operation reach and integrity similar to most other interstellar militaries.

Stent Security Corporation

UOP - Stent Security Corporation 39374
Maximum Tech Level - 11 Concerns: Private Security Services, Bodyguard Details, Corporate Enforcement
Stent Security is a major private military contractor based out of the Wild Frontier, it is a major provider of security services for corporations in multiple frontier systems, particularly the "Catta Systems" of the Spinward Wild Frontier. Though not generally seen as capable of the operations of more dedicated mercenary outfits, it is a perfectly effective force for protecting corporate assets, and personnel, as well as dealing with security and riot suppression operations, something which has gained it noteriety in its area of operations.


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