Frontier Stew

Frontier Stew is a soup dish that is widely favored by interstellar spacers, surveyors, far traders, and others have to spend an inordinate amount of their lives in space, and lack the access to a protein recombinator, and still wish to have food that actually tastes good, rather than the bland rations that permeate the galleys of most smaller ships. It also is a staple on agricultural colonies in Frontier Space as it can be made with some of the most commonly available ingredients in the galaxy, and especially in that region of it. It relies on a few simple ingredients to form the base of the soup, and allows a good deal of creative liberties for the chef while still falling under the umbrella of spacer stew. Each Spacer stew is therefore a unique creation, and a number of famous frontier chefs have made a living with their own specialized takes on Spacer Stew.   Spacer Stew's base is the humble Raxian Potato, water, and Old Earth clovers. The Raxian Potato is the primary ingredient, and all of its main parts are used, the stem is sliced or cubed, the leaves are split, and occasionally cut, and the roots are sliced extremely thin, and put into the boiling water, and the clover is then added into the stew. From there, the cook may elect to any additional ingredients they choose into the stew, and in most cases a spice mixture is added. The stew is then cooked over the course of several hours on a low heat, requiring intermittent, though infrequent, attention as it cooks. It is, by default a vegetarian dish, and is usually vegan as well, though many chefs add meat, eggs, cheese or other animal products to the stew.


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