Raxian Potato

The Raxian Potato is a species of plant native to the world of Rax, located in the Wild Frontier, famous for its nutritional value. Since its discovery and first cultivation, the practice of growing Raxian Potatos has spread throughout the Frontier, and to a lesser extent, Civilized Space as well. The Raxian Potato is a key component in Frontier Stew among many other dishes, and has become a staple of diets throughout charted space, especially in the Far Frontier where Raxian Potatos can be grown in a wide variety of soils with minimal effort.   The Raxian Potato, despite its name, is rather genetically dissimilar to an Earth Potato, even by the standards of xenobiology, being more closely related to an Old Earth cabbage, genetically speaking, than any other form of life. The Raxian Potato is a leafy plant centered around a stem which is a thick, hearty construct that is capable of holding on to nutrients extremely well. The Raxian Potato is well known for being able to grow in all sorts of conditions, though it favors higher gravity, wetter conditions, and grows best in these conditions. All parts of the Raxian Potato are edible for humans with some preparation (though some Human subspecies, such as Terrans and Borgs are incapable of eating Raxian Potatos raw).   The Raxian Potato is a key component of diets throughout the known Galaxy, as the entire plant is edible, it grows exceptionally well on most planets even with minimal infrastructure, and it has an extremely high nutritional value and caloric density. This enables even small colonies to sustain themselves primarily on them. The taste of the Potato has been described as relatively neutral, which allows it to be used as a base for a number of dishes where spices and sauce mixtures are intended to be the defining feature, and Raxian Potatoes have been turned into noodles, sliced chips, and even as salad bases where the plant's leaves, roots, and stem are combined into one mixture.


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Aug 11, 2023 00:55 by Deleyna Marr

I love that it isn't a traditional potato shape at all.
