Gemini Sector

The Gemini Sector is one of the nine fully charted and settled sectors of the galaxy known collectively as Civilized Space. Though the relative proximity of most worlds of the Gemini Sector meant that some colonization occurred relatively early in Solar history, during a period known as the Opulance. The region with its relative sparseness, and distance from the source of the next settlement boom, the discovery of the Jred, meant that only a handful of small settlements would exist in the region until after the conclusion of the Third Great Human Civil War. A settlement boom would occur during the Third Expansion, however the arrival of the Jred, and Great Cataclysm laid waste to the nascent society forming in the Sector. In the aftermath, the sector struggled to piece itself back together.   The Gemini System is currently split between two interstellar states. One, the Holy Empire of the Twin Suns, a theocracy run by the Order of the Blue Queen, which has focused itself for the most part, inward. The other, the Mesna League is a loosely affiliated series of system states that works together as a somewhat unified trading and military bloc. Neither state have many conflicts, nor many deals with one another and for the most part, both states focus their attentions on other matters. Alone too are the independent worlds, which are minor corporate colonies, or have been abandoned to the Jred.   The Gemini Sector is extremely sparse with only sixteen star systems, of these eleven are currently inhabited, with four taken over by Jred lifeforms, and one abandoned for other reasons.Worlds are scattered , but there are two major clusters. One, the Mesopotamia cluster lies close to the border of the Sol Sector, the other, the Twin Stars cluster lies to Frontier Space. The Gemini Sector is bordered by three sectors of civilized space, to its core lies Sol Sector, spinward lies the Nueve Lorraine Sector, counterspinward the Io Sector. Its rimward boundary demarcates the border between civilized space and the Jred Frontier.



Mensa League
Organization | Aug 2, 2023

The Mensa League are a loosely affiliated Confederation of commercially focused worlds in the coreward reaches of the Gemini Sector.

Holy Empire of the Twin Suns
Organization | Aug 2, 2023

The Holy Empire of the Twin Suns is a small frontier theocracy in the rim ward reaches of the Gemini Sector that has become a bastion of Pro-Psionic activity.

Galactic Organizations

Galactic Surveyor's Guild: The Guild maintains a presence in the region, though it is quite limited, due to the relatively limited activity in the region. There are currently five bases in operation in the region, most of which are X-Boat Tender docks, and only one Waystation, at Pollux.
Opus Dei: Opus Dei's activities in the region are quite limited. The strength of the Islamic Harakat Alnahda movement, as well as the influence of the L'Institutul per la Ricerca Psionica, and the growth of the Order of the Blue Queen, and the Castrist faith in Gemini has led to very few converts in the region.
Planetary Expeditions: Planex, maintains good business in the region. Though there is no evidence Pardian colonization this far rimward, the APS and the Psi Institute both are good buyers for Pardian tech, and the presence of relatively mildly occupied Jred worlds makes for ample opportunities to catch Jred specimens at relatively low risk. The company maintains its regional headquarters in the Mesopotamia System.
Scipion Studio Enterprises: SSE does not maintain much of a presence in the region. The relative lack of development in the region, as well as the hostile tastes of the local consumers eliminates the possibility of opening many studios. Instead, there is only a small network of X-Boats that deliver what products that still are popular to people in the region.
L'Institutul per la Ricerca Psionica: The L'Institutul per la Ricerca Psionica is headquartered here, and its in the Gemini Sector where it is most powerful. Most of the Institute's major operations are within the Holy Empire of the Twin Suns, and it is rumored that the Institute had a hand to play in the formation of the League.


  • Gemini Sector Map
    A map of the Gemini Sector, a crossroads at the edge of Civilized Space with a strangely high population of psionics.
Star System Sector


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