Sol Sector

The Sol Sector is one of the nine fully charted, explored, and settled sectors of civilized space. It is also the oldest sector of civilized space, home to the cradle of human civilization. Despite the relative emptiness of the sector, the Sol Sector was settled heavily throughout the age of unity and many worlds were heavily terraformed during this time as well. To this day, the Sol Sector remains one of the most densely populated regions of space. The Sol Sector was spared most of the devastation of the Jred Scourge until nearly the end when the twin disasters of the scourging of Earth, and the Great Cataclysm devastated two systems and threw humanity out of its ancestral home. The privations of the Long Dark too took their toll on the Sol Sector, and as a result economic privation struck Sol Sector just as hard as it did other sectors of civilized space. After the long dark, the systems were mostly reconnected, though a few isolated, often dying, systems remain.   The Sol Sector is, despite being at the core of civilization, not thoroughly claimed by interstellar states. There are two extremely powerful states however, that exist within the territory of the Sol Sector. The Union of Sol, the small but powerful Solist state claiming the very heart of human space is the grey eminence of the sector. Its rival, the Centauri Republic is the other state. Both states fought a conflicts with each other during the Long Dark, but finally came to an accord in AC 380 with the signing of the Treaty of Junction. Aside from these two states a number of powerful independent systems also exist, including Byzantion and Cygnus, some of the most powerful and prosperous independent systems in the known galaxy.   The Sol Sector is relatively sparse, with nineteen noteworthy star systems, eighteen of which are inhabited. The positioning of these systems is scattered somewhat evenly, but appears to be concentrated, slightly, in the rimward reaches of the Sol Sector. The Sol Sector is proportionally the most well connected sector of explored space, with Jumpgates linking all but three sectors. Indeed, the Sol System is historically the center of human space with all gates ultimately meeting at Sol, which is consequently the home of Galactic Surveyor's Guild, which uniquely maintains two headquarters, one in Sol, and the other in Byzantion. The Sol Sector is the central hub of the galactic Jumpgate network, and connects every sector of charted space to every other sector, with all major jump routes leading through the system. Coreward of the Sol Sector is the Aseni Sector; and rimward is the Gemini Sector. Spinward lies Fracana Sector, and counterspinward the Arcturus Sector.



Union of Sol
Organization | Aug 24, 2023

A venerable Solist state claiming, with some legitimacy, to be the direct descendant of the stellar League existing at the heart of civilized space, making its capital on Mars. A grey eminence seeking to restore Earth and reunify humanity.

Centauri Republic
Organization | Aug 2, 2023

The Centauri Republic is a major Frentierist state located in the Sol Sector. Thanks to its position at the heart of the galaxy, and the extensive trading connections that brings, it is one of the most influential economic powerhouses in civilized space.

Galactic Organizations

Galactic Surveyor's Guild: It is enormously influential in the sector with three full waystations, one at Bospora Station orbiting Byzantion, one on Chiron in the Alpha Centauri system, and lastly other on Luna, which serves as the organization's headquarters, and the central repository for the organization's laboratories and databases. In addition to these major waystations, the Guild maintains three additional bases.
Opus Dei: Opus Dei is fairly influential in this region, particularly on independent worlds where it doesn't pose a threat to the larger interstellar states. Here, the Beaconists are the predominant force, as the Censors are actively repressed on most worlds, particularly the more technologically advanced ones. Opus Dei's primary base of operations is in the Legata System, though it also is quite influential in Ishimura where it helps the residents survive and leave the dying world.
Planetary Expeditions: Planetary Expeditions used to maintain its headquarters in this sector, though it has since moved it away to the Urea Sector. Regardless, Planetary Expeditions remains quite influential in the sector, and does most of its profitable trade here, with wealthy benefactors aplenty. Many of Planetary Expeditions' factories are also found here, particularly within the territory of the Centauri Republic.
Scipion Studio Enterprises: The operations of SSE in the Sol Sector are somewhat restricted by the Union of Sol's position at the end of the sector's primary trade lane into and out of the region. However it has managed to sell to the Union of Sol, and even established a regional in the Byzantion System. Distribution networks are well developed, and SSE has grown steadily in this region.
L'Institutul per la Ricerca Psionica: The Institute's influence in the region is modest, with a few small affiliated institutes in the sector. However, its largest boon in the region, is through its corporate partners, where a number of major enterprises have partnered with the organization.


  • Sol Sector Map
    A map of the Sol Sector, the home of humanity.
Star System Sector
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