Hüsnü Teke

Commander Hüsnü Behram Teke

Hüsnü Teke is leader of the Lions of Bosporo, a Stelsoc rebel group operating in the Byzantion system. Viewed by some as incredibly dangerous, and others as a hero. Teke, has been fighting from a very young age, and was associated with the politics of Byzantium even longer. After the Urd offensive in late 4496 however, Teke was forced underground, and has not been seen in public since, spreading his message by trideo broadcast. The Byzantine government has expended considerable resources trying to hunt Teke down, but have not found him at this time. There are rumors that Teke has connections in the government namely Geneviève Sunderland, who was formerly associated with the broader stelsoc movement, but has since denounced her involvement, and the Galactic Surveyor's Guild that allow his Lions to obtain powerful weapons that would otherwise be virtually impossible to obtain.   Teke has a reputation for a firey personality, one who can stir up an apathetic crowd, and one would can hold together a badly battered rebel group despite multiple setbacks. However, he also known to possess a very short temper, something which has been exploited by his opponents both on the battlefield, and in the propaganda war. It is currently believed that he is in command of roughly one hundred active fighters and a broader movement in the thousands which support the fighters. However, many Stelsoc allies have distanced themselves from him and the Lions, at least publically, as a measure of self preservation.


  • Primary School: Enver Mubarak Primary School
  • Secondary School: Galata Crotale Prepatory Academy
  • Eilleen Kirchner Memorial University, Expelled


  • 18 years as a full time fighter for the Lions of Bosporo, ascended to lead the organization

Criminal Record

  • 3 Counts of Sedition (Convicted on 1 count, Wanted for 2)
  • 1 Count of Arms Trafficking (Wanted)
  • 1 Count of High Treason (Wanted)
  • 15 Counts of Terrorism (Wanted)
  • 2 Counts of Murder (Wanted)
UPP - 9CBA53
Date of Birth
Novebmer 25, 4461 (Aged 39)
Masc: He/Him


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