Jred Eviserator

Jred Eviscerators are members of the Jred superspecies, seemingly more evolved hunters, the Eviscerators are more intelligent, more capable of surviving environments hostile to Jred lifeforms, and are occasionally capable of camouflaging themselves. Eviscerators are however often solitary organisms rather than group hunters. Jred Eviscerators were vanguard organisms, often being seen ahead of spaceborne lifeforms a precursor to invasion. In the modern era, Eviscerators are much rarer, as individual world minds are less capable of developing them. When they are seen, they retain their vanguard position being used as stealthy killers, probing the defenses of scientific or military outposts.
Animal Hits Speed
Jred Eviscerator 35 6m
Skills Athletics (Dexterity) 2, Athletics (Strength) 1, Awareness 1, Melee (Natural Weapon) 2, Recon 2, Survival 1, Stealth 3
Attacks Bite (2D), Talons (1D, Auto 2)
Traits Camouflaged, Clever Diseased (Jred Infection/12+/2D/1D Hours), Fast Metabolism (+3), IR/UV Vision, Psionic (5)
Behavior Carnivore, Pouncer
Jred Eviscerator on a Hostile World by Artbreeder
Average Height
Average Weight
Average Length


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