Jred Spore Infection

Jred Spore infestation is disease contracted when comes into contract with Jred lifeforms, or breathes, unprotected, the atmospheres of Jred worlds. It is an extremely deadly disease, killing most who come into contact with it, and turning most survivors into Jred hybrids. On more advanced worlds however, the disease is readily treatable, thanks to the hard won efforts many scientists during the Jred Scourge, and if a patient survives, their genetic damage can be stabilized preventing the birth of hybrids. Those who come into contact with the spores however, frequently test for psionic abilities, or have their existing psionic abilities enhanced, and are likely to pass this on to any children they might have.  

Game Stats

Nature: Contact, Inhaled, Injected Biological Infection
Difficulty: Very Difficult (12+)   A disease frequently contracted when encountering Jred lifeforms or breathing the atmosphere of a Jred infested world. Quite dangerous, though most symptoms are treatable in medical facilities of TL 13 or higher.   Stage 1: After an incubation period of 1D Hours. The infected beings to display symptoms such as cough, sneezing, and fatigue, reduce END by 1D to a minimum of 1.   Stage 2: After D3 days check to see if disease progresses to stage 2. If the END check is made, the victim begins to recover at the rate of 1 point of END (determine randomly which) every day of rest and good medical care, though genetic damage remains. If the disease progresses, the victim suffers from symptoms akin to neurological autoimmune diseases. They suffer from D3 damage to their STR, DEX, END, and INT every 1D hours. If any one characteristic is reduced to 0 the victim dies from total organ failure.   Stage 3: After 1 day, the victim begins to recover, gaining 1 point to a random characteristic per day, assuming they have access to medical care and rest.   Notes: Victims infected with this disease have their DNA altered, and produce Jred Hybrids when breeding. The condition can be stabilized, and this genetic disorder prevented, with treatment from most medical facilities of TL-15 or higher. Those infected with Jred spores, if they test for psionic ability add +2 to the roll after surviving. If they already have a PSI score they add 1 to it.


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