Jred Warrior

Jred Warriors are members of the Jred superspecies and were the most commonly seen Jred organisms during the Scourge. Like the Eviserators, Jred Warriors are better able to withstand alien environments, and were used during the Scourge as shock troops, overwhelming defenses with sheer weight of numbers. Warriors are generally capable of fighting on even terms with an average human soldier, and are some of the few organisms to make use of ranged weaponry, firing smaller beetle like Jred organisms out of a gun-like contraption grown on one of their arms. Though much more common during the Scourge, Jred Warriors can still be found relatively frequently on worlds with high concentrations of both Jred and Humans.
Animal Hits Speed
Jred Warrior 21 6m
Skills Athletics (Dexterity) 1, Gun Combat (Natural) 1, Melee (Natural) 1, Telepathy 0, Awareness 1
Attacks Devourer Biorifle (4D, Range 150m, Auto 2, AP 3), Bite (2D)
Traits Alarm, Armor (+7), Diseased (Jred Infection/12+/2D/1D Hours), Fast Metabolism (2), Psionic (2)
Behavior Carnivore, Chaser
Average Height
Average Weight
Average Length


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