Jumpspace Anomalies

Jumpspace anomalies are frequently hazardous entities that exist in jumpspace and are sometimes encountered by interstellar travelers, often, but not always the result of bad jumps. Jumpspace anomalies are sometimes believed to come in ebbs and flows, becoming more frequent at certain times and less frequent in others. This however could be explained more by the rising of technologies and astrogation skills, paired with a rare few events which did destabilize jump space, the most notable of these is the Great Cataclysm which was wrought upon the galaxy after the end of the Jred Scourge. For most however, anomalies are nonexistent tales spread by couriers and other spacers, or figments of their imagination after long periods of isolation. There are a number of different types of Jumpspace anomalies, though most have yet to be officially confirmed.

Types of Anomalies

Temporal: The most common jumpspace anomalies by far are temporal anomalies, usually the result of poor jump calculations these can be relatively minor, arriving slightly earlier, or later than expected, often less than a week either way. However it is not unknown for more extreme temporal anomalies to occur with some ships arriving centuries after they were supposed to after having been presumed lost, or, rarely, arriving before they even left. Temporal anomalies appear to be more common in certain areas, particularly those in close proximity to, but not within the area of influence of jump gates.
Spatial: The second most common anomalies, spatial anomalies are almost always the result of bad jump calculations or malfunctioning jump drives. Spatial anomalies tend result in those traveling in jump space arriving at a different destination than intended, often several parsecs away. This is is often an inconvenience, and infrequently fatal for those who have been deposited in deep space with no fuel.
Dimensional: As the exact nature of jumpspace is extremely difficult to understand, due in no small part to the difficult of placing sensors within it there are a number of factors that remain unknown. For example, there is a hypothesis among Jumpspace Physicists that within Jumpspace, time and space are folded in unusual ways and that the Jump bubble ultimately protects things within it from collisions with other things it jump space.


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