Skill Specializations

A number of skills have specializations, these specializations are selected when a character reaches level one with a skill. A character can select any number of specializations. There are two kinds of specialization; Regular and Career Specializations. Regular Specializations have only a single specialization, and characters with level 1 in a single specialization are assumed to have level 0 in any specialization that they do not have. Career specializations are more specific, there are specialization families and specific specializations within them. In this case, a character will select a family at level 0, and will then select a specialization at level one, and will be considered to have level 0 only in specializations within the same family.  

Skills with Regular Specializations


Strength: Covers certain feats of strength such as weightlifting, jumping, and caber tossing.
Dexterity: Covers athletic feats where coordination and grace are necessary such as throwing, juggling, and gymnastics
Endurance: Covers long term endurance feats such as marathon running, and hikes.


Hovercraft: Operation of hovercraft, vehicles that ride on a cushion of air.
Digger: Operation of vehicles that tunnel through the ground.
Tracked: Operation of tracked vehicles, such as tanks.
Walker: Operation of vehicles that move on legs.
Wheeled: Operation of wheeled vehicles.


Comms: Maintenance and operation of modern telecommunications equipment.
Computers: Using and maintaining Computer systems and other electronics.
Remote Ops: Remote control of robots, drones, and missiles.
Sensors: Use and interpretation of data from sensory equipment from remote drones, to handheld scanners, and densiometers.


M-Drive: Maintenance and operation of a spacecraft's gravitic Maneuver Drive, also covers older chemical and ion thrusters, and artificial gravity systems.
J-Drive: Maintenance and operation of a spacecraft's jump drive.
Life Support: Maintenance of life support systems.
Power: Maintenance and operation of a ship's power systems, including its main power plant.


Airship: Piloting of airships, dirigibles and other powered lighter than air craft.
Grav: Flying of air/rafts, grav belts and other vehicles that use gravitic technology.
Ornithopter: Flight of vehicles that fly through the use of flapping wings.
Rotor: Operation of helicopters, tilt-rotors and aerodynes.
Wing: Piloting of jets, vectored thrust aircraft and aeroplanes using a lifting body.


Turret: Operation of small turret weapons and barbettes.
Capital: Operation of bay weapons or a Battleship's main spinal guns.
Ortillery: Operation of weapons specially designed to planetary strikes.
Screens: Operation of energy screens, sandcasters and other defensive armaments.

Gun Combat

Archaic: Use of Bows, Crossbows, and other primitive ranged weapons.
Energy: Use of Laser, Plasma, and Fusion weapons, among other more exotic designs.
Slug: Use of Blackpowder, Conventional, and Gauss projectile weapons.

Heavy Weapons

Artillery: Use of Crew served support weapons, often indirect fire.
Portable: Use of Personal or crewed served support weapons that can conceivably be used by a single operator.
Vehicle: Use of weapons mounted on vehicles.


Unarmed: Use of martial arts focusing on use of the body with minimal, or no, use of manufactured weapons.
Blade: Use of bladed weapons such as knives, swords, spears, and axes.
Bludgeon: Use of blunt weapons such as maces, clubs, and staves.


Smallcraft: Piloting of craft less than 100 tons.
Spacecraft: Piloting of craft between 100 and 5,000 tons.
Capital Ships: Piloting of craft larger than 5,000 tons.


Personal Craft: Sailing of small craft such as canoes and small motorboats.
Oceanic Vessels: Sailing of large, motorized watercraft.
Sail: Sailing of large, oceangoing, sailing ships.
Submarine: Sailing of submarines.


Military: Movement of troops and vehicles on the ground.
Naval: Movement of aircraft, spacecraft, and watercraft.

Skills with Career Specializations


Performing - The Performing Arts.
Performer: Singing, Dancing, Acting, or some other non-instrumental performance.
Instrument: Practice and play of musical instruments (pick when when electing this specialization.
Creative - Painting, filmmaking and other visual arts.
Visual Media: Creation of traditional visual arts products.
Exotic Media: Use of alien technology, alien technique, or other strange methods in creation.
Presentation - Creative Writing.
Holography - Use of holographic 3d technology in the art.
Writing - Traditional creative writing.


For an ongoing list of languages, please consult the Languages article.
Anglic Languages - Late Solar, Trade Solar, Anglic Twan, High Cetian
Arabesque Languages - Potamic, Arabesque Twan, Dromedary
Austratic Languages - Aseni
Frican Languages - Common Cetian, Spinward Fracan, Frican Twan
Indric Languages: Vegan
Romants Languages: Cincastrellan, Romanto, Basteni
Sinitic Languages: Yuan


Freeloader - Nontraditional jobs with a perceived less than honorable intent.
Scrounging - Panhandling, petty theft, and planetside scavenging.
Security - Bypassing security measures with the intent to steal.
Frontier Work - Jobs on the frontiers, or in rural areas of developed worlds.
Colonist - Surviving on a low-tech frontier world, and building simple infrastructure.
Farming - The growing of crops for consumption, or industrial applications.
Harvesting - The harvesting of natural grown materials on an industrial scale.
Mining - The harvesting of terrestrial minerals on an industrial scale, typically mining, quarrying, and skimming.
Ranching - Raising animals for industrial or consumptive use.
Hostile Environment - Working in hostile environments.
Contaminant - Avoiding hazards from nuclear, biological, or radiological contamination.
High-G - Working in an environment 1.2g or more.
Low-G - Working in environments .2g or less.
Underwater - Working deep underwater.
Spacer - Working in Space
Belter - Procedures, and common language of asteroid mining.
Crewmember - General labor such as maintenance, cleaning, and cargo handling on spacecraft and space stations
Salvage - Procedures and common language of space based salvage.
Sport - Understanding of athletic competitions, and the rules of games. Specializations include all manner of sports and games from the mundane to the exotic but include the following; Atmosphere surfing, Golf, Motorsports, Racquet Sport, Team Ball Sport, Track & Field.
Worker - Professional blue collar work, usually industrial, on primarily developed worlds.
Armorer - Construction, and maintenance of weapons and armor.
Biologicals - The procedure of industrial Genetic Engineering.
Civil Engineering - Design and construction of buildings and infrastructure on developed worlds.
Construction - The physical procedure and work of construction.
Hydroponics - Growing of crops in hostile environments, or in urban areas.
Light Industry - Production of consumer goods.
Metalworking - Working with metal, either as a traditional smith, or with modern tools.
Polymers - Industrial production of plastics and polymers.
Fabricator - Professional use of fabricators, 3D printers, and fabrication chambers.


Life Sciences - Living things and life proceses
Biology - The basics of biology, generally taught on low-tech worlds.
Genetics - The study and application of genetics. Includes the construction of biological robots, and the science of cloning, including for industrial purposes
Psionology - The study of psionic powers and psionic beings.
Xenology - The procedure of the study of exotic alien life, generally as part of the discovery process.
Physical Science - The study of the basic workings of the universe.
Jumpspace Physics - The understanding of the specific physical conditions found within Jumpspace.
Physics - The understanding of the workings of the physical universe.
Chemistry - The understanding of basic chemical processes, including chemical reactions, polymerization, fission, and fusion.
Robotics - The science of robotics, artificial intelligence, and cybernetics. Includes, to some extent, industrial processing of robotics.
Cybernetics - Mechanized replacements and augmentations of the parts of living beings.
Robotics - The study and constrution of robots, including for construction industrially, as well as the understanding of artificial intelligences.
Social Sciences - The study of interactions between people and groups.
Archaeology - The study of the unwritten past, and the physical procedure of uncovering of the ruins of the past.
Economics - The study of the distribution of resources, both in a market based, and planning based sense, and the historical development of economies.
History - The study of the recorded past.
Linguistics - The study of language and the evolution of language.
Philosophy - The metaphyiscal study of ethics, socipolitical values, and in some sense, the political sciences.
Psychology - The study of the human mind.
Space Sciences - The study of astronomical phenomena and the interactions of bodies in space.
Astronomy - The study of space, and common curiosities of deep space.
Cosmology - The study of stars and other stellar derivative entities, as well as the underlying science behind Astrogation.
Planetology - The study of planets, moons, and other substellar industrial bodies.


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