
Galactic Languages

Galactic languages are those which are utilized on a wide scale. This will often mean that the language is in use with multiple interstellar organizations such as interstellar states and megacorporations in multiple sectors. It is however, also used to languages of commerce.

Late Solar

The official language of government in the Stellar League, as well as the language used primarily by persons from the Sol Sector, and some areas close to it. Currently an official language of the Union of Sol, Centauri Republic, Galactic Surveyor's Guild, Cetian Union, Fracana League, Scipion Studio Enterprises, and the State of Pariah. Late Solar is based loosely upon Middle and Early Solar, which themselves were based on the Late English of Old Earth, though Solar absorbed increasing influences from other languages including Late Terran Arabic, New Mandarin, and other major languages of Old Earth.

Trade Solar

A simplified creole of Solar that is, by design intended to be easy to learn, and readily adaptable to multiple other languages. In the modern galaxy, Trade Solar isn't an official language of any major galactic organization, but is used as a trade creole in many regions, and is spoken natively on some independent worlds. Its linguistic basis is found in Middle Solar. There are a number of dialects that can be found in the various sectors of explored space. However, almost every dialect of Trade Solar is mutually intelligible, barring those that have developed in the relatively disconnected regions of frontier space.


A language developed in the Pariah Sector, the Yuan language is an unofficial language of Stelsoc society. Yuan is the official language of the Democratic Republic of Yuanjing, and is frequently used as an unofficial language of interaction between Stelsoc states, rivalling or even surpassing Late and Trade Solar in those circles. Yuan is based on New Mandrain, but has since developed in isolation from Old Earth, incorporating foreign elements.


A language developed in the Rimward reaches of Human settlement in the Second and Third Expansions, it was for a long time a prominent language, however the invasion of the Jred dramatically reduced the number of Romanto speakers in the galaxy. Romanto is composed primarily of a mixture of the late developments of the Romance Languages of Old Earth, particularly the European developments of those languages. However, particularly in the years since the Great Cataclysm, more and more mixtures of influence have crept in. Romanto is spoken throughout the galaxy, despite its reduced influence but is only recognized as an official language in the Rimward reaches, having official status with the Holy Empire of the Twin Suns, the L'Institutul per la Ricerca Psionica, the Galactic Mercenary Guild, the Dromedary Republic, and the Triceleran Federation.

Regional Languages

Regional languages are significant languages which have regional recognition. Generally this means that is the official language of one interstellar state, and frequently, some nearby independent worlds.

Strellan (or Streyan)

Like Yuan, Strellan hails from the Pariah Sector, and is often seen as an errant cousin of Romanto, another language based upon the Romance languages of Old Earth. Strellan is spoken as an official language of the Cincastrella Confederacy, and is used internationally in some diplomatic conferences. However, in that respect, it has been overshadowed by Romanto and Late Solar. Strellan's linguistic basis can be found in Iberic languages of Old Earth, with Late Catala and Portulice being the strongest influences.


The Aseni language is major language near the coreward frontier, particularly in the coreward reaches of the Aseni Sector, where it was originally developed and evovled. The Aseni Language is spoken as an official language Aseni Popular Republic, as well as a number of independent worlds within and near the Aseni Sector, with significant penetration into the Wild Frontier as well, at least as a secondary trade language. The Aseni language is primarily based on languages from Southeast Asia and Australasia on Old Earth, Late Terran Vietnamese being the primary influence with Neo-Tagalog, and Late Thai being the largest secondary influences.


The Vegan language is, second to Aseni, the second largest language of the Aseni Sector, and is, thanks to the soft power efforts of the Aseni Republic of Vega, the most widely spoken in civilized space, particularly rimward of the Line Worlds. It is an official language of the Vegan Republic, and has become the official language of some other independent worlds in the Sector. The Vegan language is primarily based on Late Solar Hindi, which itself rose to prominence in the early centuries of the Age of Unity, becoming by far the dominant tongue of Old Earth's South Asia, though other influences, including from Aseni also exist.


The Potamic Language, native primarily to the Potamic worlds of the Coreward Gemini Sector, is a modestly influential language known primarily due to the Jumpgates leading through its home region. The Mensa League is only known major organization that speaks Potamic. The language draws its roots primarily from Late Terran Arabic, especially in the written language, but other influences, particularly Yenturkic, are also prominent.


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