Vega System

Vega is the capital of the Aseni Republic of Vega, a center of government, and one of the more industrialized worlds in the Republic's territory. It has a reputation among anti-Stelsoc peoples as a bulwark against that ideology's expansion. It is one of the more prosperous worlds in the Aseni Sector, and has become a political center of great import. Despite this however, the Vega system itself is quite small, home only to three planets, Vega itself, and a small semi-independent colony, and a moonless, though ringed, gas giant.

Major Celestial Bodies

Primary Star

UWP-S - 97 Phi Tau 'Vega Prime' G8V
Vega Prime is a smaller, sub-Sol, star that maintains a small system of planets around it, surprisingly so given the star itself. Vega Prime is an older Yellow Star, and as it ages, it has become a little more unstable, and as a result the colonies in the system have had to erect defenses against the somewhat more frequent solar flares.

Major Orbiting Bodies

2 Vega

UWP - Vega A768844-C
  • 11,500 km diameter, Approximately .9g gravity, Thick atmosphere, Hydrosphere comprises approximately 83% of planet's surface
  • Population: 8,761,651,320, Tech-level 12, Type A Starport
  • Government: Representative Democracy; Other Factions: Aseni Royalists, Galactic Mercenary Guild, and the Socialist Party of the Aseni Sector, Law Level: 4
  • Trade Codes: Ga-Hi-Ht-Nc
The capital of the system, and of the Aseni Republic of Vega, the planet of Vega is a paradisiacal world with a mild climate, and a healthy ecosystem. If its one of the jewels of the terraforming programs from the age of unity. It also is economically prosperous thanks to a healthy amount of trade flowing into the region along the jump gate network, and a reasonable industrial capacity that has not consumed the world.

3 Vega Prime I

USP-2 - Small GG
3a-1 Planetary Ring UWP - YR00000-0

4 Vega Minor

UWP - H000320-B
  • 160 km diameter, Negligible gravity, No atmosphere, No hydrosphere
  • Population: 7,810, Tech-level 11, Type H Spaceport
  • Government: Direct Democracy, Law Level: 0
  • Trade Codes: As-Va-Lo
A small colony that is actually semi-independent. It is run as a direct democracy with an E-Democratic vote. The people living here have sought to establish a religious cooperative, and they have, for the most part succeeded, though only with outside help.
UWP-1 - 1720 Vega A768844-C
USSP - 1720 Vega G8V 2 C
Star System


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