Aseni Sector

The Aseni Sector is one of the 9 sectors of the galaxy that has been fully charted and settled since the end of the Long Night, one of the "civilized" sectors of space. It has, since that time, been locked in a longstanding partisan conflict between two states that each claim to be the legitimate successor to the sector government. The Sector is most famous for the Line Worlds, which was formerly one of the most densely populated sections of civilized space before the Third Great Human Civil War. Since that event, and the Jred Scourge, Aseni has become a relatively backwater of civilized space.   The Aseni Sector was, at the start of the Long Night, unified under the banner of the Aseni Sector Authority. However, a political falling out split this unified state in twain. One one side, the Aseni Popular Republic, backed by the Stelsoc powers of the Hawker Nebula. On the other side the staunchly Frentierist Aseni Republic of Vega opposes the expansion of Stelsoc across the sector. The conflict between the two power players in the region allowed a number of independent systems to break away entirely and seek their own fortunes away from the squabbling factions in the ongoing, now cold, war.   The Aseni Sector possesses twenty eight charted star systems, twenty seven of which are currently inhabited. The densest region of the sector are the Line Worlds, which used to be one of the most heavily populated regions of space, but have since seen centuries of slow decline. Connection is limited, with only two jump lanes, one going to Vega, and the other to the Old Sector Capital in Aseni. Coreward of the sector lies Frontier Space, particularly the wild, Pardian frontier, its spinward neighbor is Pariah Sector; counterspinward is the Urea Sector; and towards the rim lies the Pariah Sector.

Sector Features

The Line Worlds: A chain of nearly 8 parsecs of uninterrupted star systems running from coordinate 1727 to 2429. Most of the systems in the Line Worlds were colonized early and invested with extensive, if somewhat crude industry and infrastructure. Despite the Great Cataclysm, these worlds are crowded and economically powerful, though rather unpleasant places to live in most cases.



Aseni Popular Republic
Organization | Aug 2, 2023

The Aseni Popular Republic is a moderately powerful Stelsoc state located in the coreward half of the Aseni Sector. It one of the two major powers in the sector engaged in an ideological cold war.

Aseni Republic of Vega
Organization | Aug 2, 2023

The Aseni Republic of Vega is a relatively newly formed state in the Aseni Sector. It is a breakaway state from the Aseni Republic, with which it is locked in a cold war.

Galactic Organizations

Galactic Surveyor's Guild: The Galactic Surveyor's Guild maintains an extensive presence in the region, which acts as a jumping off point for charting expeditions and other activities in frontier space, and has built and maintained a Jumpgate lane nearly into frontier space. There eight GSG bases in the region. It also maintains two waystations, for the sake of political neutrality, one in the Vega System, and one in the Aseni System.
Opus Dei: Opus Dei has struggled to expand into this region, with relatively few converts particularly in the organized states of the region. Efforts to convert the populace have been more successful however, in the counterspinward reaches of the sector where the number of independent, and relatively impoverished worlds, have provided ample seeding grounds for the expansion of the faith.
Planetary Expeditions: Plan-Ex, since its seizure of the moon of Arum has made its headquarters in the Aseni Sector. It maintains an extensive network of manufacturing centers, small corporate colonies and expeditions in this region, which all act either to bring artifacts into the company, or to support expeditions into Frontier Space.
Scipion Studio Enterprises: SSE is a powerful corporation in the region, using media influence to sway independent worlds. It has a strong partnership with media enterprises in the Aseni Republic of Vega, and indeed has even made propaganda for the state itself. It maintains regional offices in Baji Rao, and Vega.
L'Institutul per la Ricerca Psionica: The Institute maintains virtually no presence here. The open hostility of the Vegan Republic, and the indifference and large population of Nerve Stapled people in the Aseni Popular Republic has limited the number of Psionics to reach out to, and forced any study of it underground.


  • Aseni Sector Map
    A map of the Aseni Sector, a section of Space locked in perpetual cold war.
Star System Sector
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