Krallan Empire Organization in The New Frontier | World Anvil

Krallan Empire

Krallan Empire is the political organization of the Kralls. It was founded on their homeworld of Trisolius after a very long war between political blocks. A monarchy was leading the victorious block and this is way the unified country was made a monarchy with an emperor on the top.   About 100 years ago the Emperor and most of the Imperial Family were killed during a coup attempt by one of the High Lords (members of the Imperial Council). Few survivors fled beyond the Empire's borders where rebel forces couldn't so easily find them. After that the rebelious High Lord attempted to take the Imperial Throne for himself, but was stopped by the rest of the Council. The Imperial Guard arrested the High Lord and all his closest allies. In the absence of a person with strong blood connection to the Emperor the concil decided that until someone is found there will be no Emperor and the council will govern the Empire.   Imperial Sectors   The Krallan Empire is divided into six sectors, each governed by a High Lord. Sectors are regions of imperial space with many planets, colonies, space stations and military forces.


  • Deq- the biggest sector, centre of commerce and industry, Araka has the biggest military from all sectors
  • Poq - science sector
  • Morqa - centre of commerce and industry
  • Monaq - agriculture sector
  • Pau - the smallest sector and the least organized one. The High Lord of Pau has very little authority over it. Most of Pau sector is ruled by criminal organizations
  • Qirq - science sector
  High Lords   High Lords are the highest authority in the Empire. In the past they answered directly to the Emperor. In those times each Emperor was choosing new High Lords to govern the Imperial Sectors and sit on the Council. After Aratoq's Rebellion the office of the High Lord was made hereditary together with the sector it was associtated with.   Imperial Council   In the times of the Emperors the Imperial Council was an advisory body with very little power itself. Members of the council were changing with each Emperor. Since the Aratoq's Rebellion the Imperial Council is the highest office in the Empire.   Military   Krallan military is heavily based on the troops of the High Lords. Since the Aratoq's Rebellion and the office of the High Lord becoming hereditary it became even less state-controlled. The High Command on Trisolius remained only with Trisolius garrison and small Home Fleet. The rest of the military was transfered to the High Lords. The High Command became a symbolic authority. Even though it should command all the forces in the time of war, High Lords outrank them even than. In the past the Emperor made sure that the wartime chain of command is observed, but now every High Lord treats his sector's military as his personal army. Additionally, in each sector there is a sector guard which answers only to the High Lord and can't be ordered by the High Command to do anything.   Aratoq's Rebellion   About 100 years ago, during the reign of the Emperor Jarasaq, the High Lord of Deq named Aratoq staged a coup. He gathered the Deqan Guard and his most loyal forces of the military and laid siege to Trisolius. In the same time assassins were hunting members of the Imperial Family throughout the Empire. Aratoq was summoned by the Emperor to explain himself. The High Lord arrive in the throne room with the Deqan Guard and ordered them to kill the Emperor. The Imperial Guard couldn't stop him because it was distracted by fighting in the courtyard.

After killing the Emperor Aratoq proclaimed himself an emperor and ordered his people to start transmiting it to every part of the Empire. However, he was stopped by the other High Lords. Aratoq and the Deqan Guard were ambushed in the throne room. Aratoq was killed. Than the Imperial Council transmitted that information with an image of Aratoq's body.

Aratoq's assassins did they job perfectly. All members of the Imperial Family were killed or forced to escape the Empire. The Imperial Council decided that nobody should take the throne. The Empire was transformed into an oligarchy. However, the High Lords didn't want the Empire to stay that way. They pledged that they will search for people with royal blood who can take the throne. As time passed that goal started to become less and less clear because of lack of successes.

Geopolitical, Empire
Government System
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Market economy
Legislative Body
The Imperial Council consisiting of 6 High Lords. Each High Lord governs one of the Imperial Sectors.
Related Ranks & Titles


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