The Freedom Treaty Document in The New Realm | World Anvil

The Freedom Treaty

The Freedom Treaty


he rebel strategy during The Freedom Wars proved to be successful and this forced the Alpha Dragons opposing the rebels to open discussions. They created a treaty that changed the political landscape and governing power of the Alpha Dragons. The treaty limited the power of the alphas. It protected The Common Folk, merchants and The Unified Religion. It also set a limit on taxes and ensured that they could not punish the folk for crimes without being found guilty first.


The purpose of the Freedom Treaty was to establish limits and boundaries to protect The Common Folk from the Alpha Dragons. The treaty limited what the Alphas could do, what they could own, and limit their decision power.

Document Structure


The primary clauses of the treaty was to transfer power from the elite dragons to The Common Folk.


This included Limiting Power of the Alphas.

Prior to the Freedom Treaty, the alphas monopulized trading and the general governance of the New Realm. Because they lived for a long time, alphas took control of the trade ports and natural resource. This left The Common Folk at the mercy of the alphas.


For the first time in Dragon history, the treaty disolved the legal agreements of the alphas, and gave the trade routes, natural resources, and leadership positions back to The Common Folk. It rebalanced power, providing a voce for The Common Folk.

The Unified Religion Became the Leading Religion Of the New Realm.

Prior to the fall, Dragon folk followed a matriarchial system where societies were led by omegas. However, beause of the disastorous outcome of the fall, the omegas lost their rolls as leaders. As The Dragon Folk developed new societies within the New Realm, they adopted a new patriarchial system where Alphas were the leaders of the people. With the Freedom Treaty, the alphas lost their leadership roll, but maintained their influence and control within The Unified Religion.


The negotiations of the Freedom treaty deliberatly sidestep the question of who was to replace the alphas in leadership. This left an openning on who can be a leader. This lead to infighting amoung the elite, but the alphas managed to strategically place common folk that allied themselves with the alphas. So while the Alphas lost the leadership roles, they replaced the roles with commoners who were faithful to them.


Additionally, the fact that The Unified Religion was left untouched by the treaty, gave an enourmous amount of power to the alphas. Religion became central to the communities, and the alphas created customs and cultural mindsets to their own advantage.


So while the Alpha Dragons lost power to oversee the Realm, they gained power in the background that ultimatly affected the future of the Realm.

Decree, Governmental
Signatories (Characters)
Signatories (Organizations)


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