The Teachings of the Honourable Alpha Malachite (Mala -kite)

The Fates Guidence Through the Scribes of Alpha Malachite


The Alpha's Creed

I am here to serve the Fates;

I am your humble servant, your Guidance will rest in my soul;

From my mouth, your Word will flow;

From my hands your Work will be done;

With my Fiery Breath, your enemies will be slain;

I am your Servant, to do as you please;

For I will always do as you Guide.


The Story of the Two Alphas and the Craftsman


"In the third solar rotation of our new realm there was a humble beta craftsman of fine metals. He was commissioned to prepare a sword of great prestige for Alpha King Tourmaline. The Craftsman was instructed to create a great sword of heavy weight with metals of iron and gold entwined throughout the weapon. At the hilt of the sword, was a black gemstone encased in a gold clasp. The sword was beautiful and well weighted. It took many days to procure the material as it was very difficult to find in the beginning of our new realm. When the humble craftsman presented the sword to the Alpha King, he was so amazed with the sword that he had the craftsmen executed, in fear that the craftsman would make another sword for the Kings enemy.
  Upon hearing of the craftsmans execution, the craftsman's family were distrote. Within his family were two Alphas. When the two Alpha dragons heard of the craftsman's death, they both roared in grief and tore at their scales and face. The oldest of the Alphas vowed to bring the wrath of his talons and teeth down upon the King. He traveled to the palace to seek justice and revenge. He challenged the King to combat. Both dragons agreed that the duel would take place in the city centre.
  When the duel commenced, both dragons lunged forward in bloodlust. The King was better skilled, however his opponent was quicker. After a time, the King began to falter and the young Alpha bit down his teeth upon the Kings neck, tearing flesh from his body.
  Upon the last breath of King Tourmaline, the young alpha was hailed as the new Alpha King. When, the enemies of the dead king heard of the news, they quickly swormed. The dead Kings enemies attacked the young alpha and tore him to pieces. Later at night, they then sent soldiers to the homes of the families of the craftsman and murdered them in the their beds. However, the second alpha within the craftsman family was just a boy and hid under the floor boards of the house. The young alpha ran in fear and hid in the countryside.
  The young Alpha was too young to challenge the new King and was forced into excile. He survived on hunting wildlife and lived alone for the rest of his childlife. When the young alpha came of age, he returned to the city to seek vengance. However, no vengance was needed. The lives of the murderers had been wielded by the Fates."
  In this story, the Fates weaved a choice for the Alphas within the craftsman family, yield to the chaos of wrath and revenge or embrace the virtues of temperance, self control and patience. One Alpha chose chaos, the other was compeled to test his virtues. This lesson demonstrates that the Fates will always chose the direction that we take, however they will always give us a choice of how to proceed. An Alpha must choose wisely as both will return the results the Fates wish to see. Therefore, an Alpha must use the wisdom of the ancients in each decision he makes.


The Chronical of Lord Alpha Barite's Rule


"Lord Alpha Barite was holder of a small, yet significant territory of land on the coast where slate was abundant. Coastal merchants came from various territories in the New Realm. The demand for slate for homes and other buidlings throughout the New Realm increased and soon Lord Alpha Barite found that the demand was higher than he could provide. The adjacent territory was larger then his and Lord Alpha Barite soon covetted this territory.
  The Alpha Lord siezed the adjacent territory in the first of three battles. His land holdings grew and he secured regular trade. With this regular trade came folk that lived off the land in his territory. The land was abundant, folk traded amoung themselves and all was good.
  For the first time since the beginning of the New Realm, the folk celebrated with festivals, food and mead from traders. News of the prosperous territory spread and more folk came to live off the land.
  Many folk praised Lord Alpha Barite for his territory and he soon desired to increase his landship. However, the adjacent land was owned by another Lord Alpha. With band of Beta warriors, farmers and merchants, Lord Alpha Barite siezed the adjacent land in a second and bloody battle. The conquered territory was fruitful with fertile land, ample crops, and fresh water. The women and children were enslaved and the males farmhands were chained and sent to the slate quaries.
  The Lord Alpha's wealth and prosperity grew and his success was abundant. Many of the folk in the territory had slaves and trade of luxury goods were common. Merchants sold delacasies, taverns and brothels with the finest females were common. For many years, the territory was bountiful.
  One day, a slave merchant with the most beautiful females came to trade with the Lord Alpha. Struck by the beauty of the females, Lord Alpha Barite insisted that the slave merchant tell him where he found the females. Lord Alpha Barite assembled his Beta warriors and set out to conquer the land from where the females came from. Confident in the skills of his warriors, the Lord Alpha laid seige on the territory. However, the Lord Alpha did not anticipate that word had spread of his plans to attack the territory and he and his warriors were slaughtered on the battlefield.
  In revenge, the opposing Lord Alpha decimated Lord Alpha Barite's territory, siezing all of the lands, slaves and folk and reduced the territory to the ground. In further insult, Lord Barite's name was erased from all carvings, sculptures and stories and the only song that could be sung was the story of the Alpha Lords desire and greed for other territories. "
  To this day, bards sing the song of Lord Alpha Barites greed. Of how Lord Barite desired more than he could have and chose to sucombb to his desires. A wise Alpha should always be aware of his limitations and to careful of not exeeding more than he can have.


The Tale of Two Boys

"In the beginning of the new realm many families were displaced. Family members were seperated, folk died and despair was felt throughout the settlers. There were many orphans that had no place to go and as a result many orphans died of desease or by the elements of the new and harsh land.
  There was a farmer who had survived the travel between the two realms and had found a piece of land that was fertile and good. The kind farmer agreed to take two young alpha boys to help with the land. The boys were called Unakite and Citrine. Unakite was the son of a farmer in the old realm and Citrine was the son of a merchant. In many ways the boys were oposite in character and interests. Unakite was grateful to the farmer whereas Citrine wished that he had been given to a merchant family and resented the work of a farming life.
  Citrine desired to travel as a merchant, trading goods and making a profit. He loved the thrill of travelling to different regions and exploring the new realm. He had no patience for the farming life.
  Unikite however was content with his new life. The farmer was wise and taught Unikite everything he needed to know about the farm. With faith, patience and commitment the farmer and Unikite built the farm and were satisfied with the results.
  On the 11th year of the farm, the weather was just right and the harvest was good. Many merchants came with goods from all over the realm. While Unikite and the farmer sold their harvest, Citrine waded through the shops and stalls. Citrine was in awe of the precious stones and gems, the metal platters, the beautiful clothes and fine meade. When the harvest season was complete, their stores were full, their barrels were heavy and all was good. Both the farmer and Unikite settled down for a comfortable winter. However, Citrine was lonely and frustrated. He had watched the merchants leave in dispair. It was at this point that Cirine vowed to leave this life to pursue a merchants life instead.
  Citrine knew that the farmer new nothing about merchant life or sailing, and had become friends with a local merchant in the bay. In the cover of the night with no moon, Citrine stole the merchants boat along with some goods to trade and left his home. Citrine traveled to a new port and built his merchant business. He was succesful and content with the profit he was making.
  One day, a barge came in with passengers and on the barge was Unikite with his new wife. They had come to visit the wife's family. Citrine immedietly fell deeply in love with Unikite's wife and became jealous of Unikite. Once again, under the cover of night with no moon, Citrine crepted into the sleeping chamber of Unikite's wife to steal her in her sleep. However, Unikite was alerted by a noise in the home and found Citrine. They fought hard, however Unikite was a farmhand and was stronger than Citrine and wrestled Citrine to the floor. Frustrated with his brotherly love for Citrine, Unikite could not kill Citrine and Citrine fled to the countryside. However, Unikite was not the only one who had felt the envy of Citrine. Other merchants heard about the fight between the two brothers and were determined to stop Citrine from taking anyone elses property. A group of beta males assembled and hunted the countryside until Citrine was found. They stripped him of his clothes, tied his hands and threw him into a pit of tar inwhich he died a lonely death and at a very young age."
  A young Alpha can be easily seduced by the riches and excitment of life. However, if he wishes to survive, he must not be fooled into desiring another folks goods. He will then be blinded by desire and forget his faith in the Fates.


The Seduction of Alpha Spinal


"There was an Alpha many years ago that loved precious gems. He would circle the realm in search of rare and beautiful stones of various colours. One day, he arrived at a city of great importance. While resting, he was approached by a beautiful female. She wore beautiful clothing of red silk embroidered with gold and silver and with precious jewels sown into the collar. He was immedietly seduced by her beauty and layed with her. While he was asleep, she snuck out of bed and unlocked the door letting a competing Alpha in. While Alpha Spinal slept, he was stabbed 13 times in the chest and then his throat was slit from ear to ear."
  An alpha can be easily seduced by his desires.


The purpose of this manuscript is to provide guidence for Alphas in the choices they make in their lives. Since an Alphas life could be very long or very short, each choice they make could lead to other choices or to their death.
Manuscript, Literature

Articles under The Teachings of the Honourable Alpha Malachite


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