The Tale of the Boastful Warrior

Once there was a great warrior who was known for his strength in the battlefield. His stature was taller than other Dragon folk, with huge round shoulders, thick strong legs, and powerful hands that could wrestle opponents to the ground. His reputation was legendary and bards sung songs of his strength and tryumphs. Stories of him consuming the power of animals spread throughout the city where folk would bring him huge slabs of meat from powerful animals in exchange for work or protection.   Once a commoner gave him wolf meat in exchange for protection from rival famillies. Another commoner, gave raw hawk meat to the warrior and in exchange, the warrior chased a witch out of the town.   As the warriors fame expanded, he travelled with a bard to record his triumphs.The stories became larger than life, with grand adventures, tragic lovers, and bold fights against animals. The warrior was epecially adept to bear batting and arena fighting.   While the warrior travelled to the northern most parts of the New Realm, he came across a small village. The villagers were skepital of the foreigner and his larger than life tales. He was loud, drunk and broady. He freely touched the woman in the village, upsetting many folk. Finally, the villagers had enough of this warrior and requested assistance from the local baron. The baron invited the warrior to his evening feast. As the warrior gloated about his wins, the baron requested a service. Recently, the commeners had complained of a rogue white bear in the area. the bear was eating livestock and attacking villagers. the baron asked the warrior to kill the great white bear. In exchange, the warrior would claim the meat of the bear as his own. This was a sacred gift because the white bear was considered powerful within the northern lands of the New Realm. The warrior accepted the challenge and found the bear and killed it instantly. The baron then ordered the bear to be carved up, and ordered a fine coat made of the fur from the white bear.That evening the baron requsted an elaborate dish of white bear liver, served with roasted onions, vegetables and fresh bread. The warrior lapted the dinner up with glee, boasting of his strength and vigor. Soon, the warrior would be as strong as a white bear, terrorizing the folk and becoming rich.   Little did the warrior know, that the liver of a white bear was incredibly toxic. Later that night, before the sun rose, the villagers heard the agonizing wails from the warrior as he shook in pain and terror. Unable to maintain selfcontrol, the warrior vomitted and lurched as the contents of his stomach spewed from his body.Unfortunatly, his bodies attempt to purge the poison was futile as the poison had already seeped into his system. That evening the warrior died a painful death and the village was rid of a dangerous white bear. The coat which was designed by the local tailor was given to the baron in gratudity of his actions and service to rid the Realm of a boastful warrior.

Historical Basis

Although this tale is still sung in taverns throughout the New Realm, there is very little proof that this really happened. Historians debate on who the warrior was as many towns and villages claim they are the source of the myth.


This myth, similar to other Realm stories,was spread through traveling bards. Bards often travelled to different areas of the New Realm bartering entertainment for food, travel, and mead.

In Literature


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