Episode Zero: The Lost Episode in The New Territories | World Anvil
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Episode Zero: The Lost Episode


  • Begins the day before the Day of Grey Graces
  • PCs decide to create their own Grace, the Grace of Pleasure, as a means of scamming the good people of Prescott.
  • The PCs raid an art supply store to procure supplies for their Grace of Pleasure statue. They recruit a young art store employee, Stuart, to make their statue for them.
  • PCs are invited and meet up with Skud and Two-Tongue Turaka, who offer them a deal on behalf of the Assembly of Sinners.
  • PCs are requested to sneak into the house of Alyosha Popov, a wealthy tradesman, while he is away at the Grace Day ceremony, find his secret basement, and steal the shit inside
  • Specifically PCs are requested to steal a large box inside the secret basement and bring it back.
  • PCs take the job.
  • PCs go back to their statue, where Stuart has begun to craft a magnificent piece of artwork that is attracting a crowd and sets off a raucous party.

NPC Appearances

Two Tongue Turaka

Episode Link

NONE. This episode is lost to time and exists only in memory.


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