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Lady Nymeria LaFae

Countess of the Caeruleum Castle (a.k.a. "Nym")

After tragically losing the last living piece of her previous life with the death of Florence, Nymeria lost herself in the shadows of despair. When The Colony of Culville eventually came under martial law following the apparent cultist uprising, Nymeria felt a call to action. Finding friendship in the form of an upstart noble named Alejandro Oscar Fierto de la Rioja, she had set off with his party in search of purpose and belonging. This adventure seeking led her to the ruined doors of the Southern Amber Tower and a legendary battle with the ancient dragon within. When the party finished clearing the ruins and departed, Nymeria couldn’t help but linger longer. She was entranced by the blue amber that had once held up the great tower, and felt inspired to bring it back to its former glory in any way she possibly could. With the support from her noble friend, Nymeria took the ruins and built a castle from its destruction. The amber was repurposed in the form of the striking blue roofs that now adorn the great fortress, which inspired the eventual name of it upon its completion: The Caeruleum Castle.

Physical Description

Facial Features

An unnaturally symmetrical face, if not for a single beauty mark near the outer corner of her right eye

Physical quirks

  • Left handed
  • Shadow sports a pair of wings that are not normally seen

Specialized Equipment

Bonded Weapon:
  • Corvus - A Rapier that has a tarnished ebony hue, with a hilt made from metallic feathers: the pommel is a large, white star sapphire

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Hailing from a world lost in time and reality, Nymeria comes from a complicated family tree that has been filled with most recently, angelic blood. Appearing more human than supernatural (expect for her peculiar hair that floats when undone), Nymeria blends in well with the citizens of The Green Expanse. She had initially arrived on the shores of The Colony of Culville with a drow wizard by the name of Florence, who had been friends with her great-grandmother, a witch named Yennefer LaFae. She had seen him as a much needed parental figure, even if that affection was not necessarily reciprocated.

Morality & Philosophy

  • People in need should be helped, no matter their previous misdeeds
  • People will be good to you if you are good to them

Personality Characteristics


  • To make friends and find belonging

Likes & Dislikes

  • Books of any variety
  • Singing
  • The color of Green
  • Spiders
  • Heights
  • Cruelty

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Dyslexic
  • Book collecting


Contacts & Relations



  • Has rigid, perfect posture from knight training
  • Is pleasant even during unpleasant situations, may come off as creepy


  • Soft voice, rarely raised in anger
  • Takes everything literally
Lawful Good
Current Location
Year of Birth
745 19 Years old
Current Residence
The Caeruleum Castle
Cornflower Blue
Black and wavy
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark Olive
132 lbs
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Celestial
Ruled Locations

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