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Commander Locke

Commander of The Caeruleum Castle (a.k.a. Locke)

"I'm sorry that my actions got you hurt so severely: you must think me a terrible leader."

"With all due respect, my lady; if I hadn't been wounded defending your person, I wouldn't have been doing my job at all."

-Nymeria and Locke about his petrification.  

Behind every strong leader, there is an even greater second in command. Born into a noble order that has since abandoned him, Locke is the stoic commander of The Caeruleum Castle and its army. Known for his no nonsense attitude and unforgiving nature, this is not a man that is easily trifled with. Perhaps his cruelty is to balance out the naivety of his ward, Lady Nymeria LaFae, but there are very few allies of his to confirm or deny this theory.

Physical Description

Body Features

  • Muscular
  • Tall

Facial Features

  • Short Beard
  • Medium length, dirty blonde hair tied back with a leather strap

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Hailing from the House of Deneith, Locke was trained in the arts of horseback warfare and chivalry from a young age. After waging a war that claimed both his honor and faith, Locke arrived in The New World as a drunkard and vagrant. His life was a mess of drunken brawls and petty theft until a rather nasty encounter left his body broken and half dead. He was then rescued by chance by the Lady of The Caeruleum Castle, and as reformed man he now leads her many followers. His previous trauma still yet lingers, and his distrust of others colors his every move.


  • Commands the Caeruleum Army

Failures & Embarrassments

  • Disowned by his family and order

Intellectual Characteristics

  • Experienced
  • Blunt
  • Practical

Personality Characteristics


To restore his honor and integrity through service

Likes & Dislikes

  • Order
  • Black Coffee
  • Stupidity
  • Filth

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Alcoholic
  • Intolerant



  • Deep, gravelly voice
  • Slight southern accent
True Neutral
Current Location
Year of Birth
737 27 Years old
Brown Hazel
Dirty Blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White (Tanned)
Known Languages
  • Common
  • Elvish

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