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A sweet southern bell with a sharp tongue and a quick wit.

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• Gideon Whiteoak has joined the party! • Found the man who is orchestrating the murders, won’t tell name (bitch) • Bo Hun is his name • He turned into Dawnshire, can’t tell if it’s actually him or an illusion • I shake my tambourine and now everyone is invisible • Edward is now with the 5 lords, Zenkip is talking about Steelharts concerns • Dawnshire diped though the door before attacking • Ezria and Ryoko are incapacitated • Edward finally joins the battle and becomes controlled again • Ulises says they’ve breached the perimeter, they must have known the plans bc they are attacking from the West • (it’s not actually Dawnshire but no one knows that except for Edward) • Dawnshire is actually a tiger man, Rakshasa (Bo Hun) • New letter: They’re coming, not sure how you’re going to get out of this but I think I know where we are (written very frantically) • Now meeting with the 5 lords, there is a general feeling of panic • Hadrina pulls a card, this deck is modded, cards have weird artwork that has been painted on, underneath is the word dungeon. It feels like I have all of the infinity stones, uncomfortable but powerful. For a mile radius (near tree line) I see and feel time seem to stop. Within an instant, the mansion and the surrounding biome disappear. • Level up!

The Journal Entry’s title

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• The body has a curse on it, seems to be fading fast • Going up to Ravenmoore, I hear other delegates talking. • Bloody footsteps are exiting the scene but disappear onto the red carpet into the middle of the room • Entering Ravenmoore’s door, she looks really smoking hot. The man is dressed in more military wear with his jacket on his arm, long beard: black with some grey, late 40s, has a cane and weapon on his hip (longsword), both items are magical. His name is Captain Ulesis. He has never encountered a devil from the 9 hells so brazenly but he doesn’t think it isn’t a devil or demon. • Contents of new letter: He was able to communicate through the letters to communicate through the planes. From what he understands, something bad is gonna happen soon. Whatever has them trapped is going to be sending something our way. There is three individuals that are going to be at an event and there will be more coming in the middle of the event. • New body discovered in courtyard. There is a human clutching their sides. Don’t know where thing went, doesn’t remember exactly what happened but he was with Lady Alton, everything went black and now he’s on the ground. The wound looks slashy. This is Sir Percible from Lasinland. The Steelhart clan should be able to help him get better. • Door Nine: Lady Alton is clutching her neck. Doesn’t remember why she came upstairs, three slashes to the next • On roof there is Captain with cannons. He said that there is a waitstaff that was up there with him. He went down the west trap door, I followed down the trap door. In the trap door there is a mage hand and a dwarf, I am able to tell that it is an illusion.


• Going into the carriages, the clouds are hanging lower than they should be. • There are groups of individuals that do not seem to be happy about the carriages. • Hadrina can cast magic missile with her tambourine. • Ezria feels a glitch in the system • Goldletter estate, Lord and Lady Alton’s estate • Found fuzzy hat • Delegate is randomly dead, on the surface: there are stab wounds and some slashes, some lung punctures and neck slash. All of these wounds are post-mortem. I see claw marks under her overcoat. Something magical about the claw marks. • Elf (King Dromill) was in the room a little while ago, didn’t see anything weird. Does not seem to be lying. He believes that the dignitaries from Oaven may be to blame because he does not favor them • Ezria detects an evil fiend. • Lord Leopold was talking to Lady Marigold of Alosin before her death. She seemed relaxed when talking to him (more than she should’ve been). Tieflings charm people and it seems like she was under that kind of effect. She mentioned that she believed one of the other dignitaries had it out for her. She seemed very concerned. He might have some rough suspicions that he might know who it is but doesn’t want to say. Lady Marigold had been in the courtyard but doesn’t know after that.


• Off to the capital, horses tied together, seems to be very very dark, dark vision is not super helpful, one of Maximus’s letters will not open due to magic • Evil horse people, they disappeared like the other four did in the circle with the click of a metal thing (gun?) • New mark appears and it fucking hurts • Blurry items not as blurry, mark also seen on stone, woke up back in original spot, Edward does not have new mark but everyone else does • People watching us, man and women talking and then dip into the alley • Gone for about a year, meeting with the high council, dwarven kingdom has fallen and no one can access them, we and the dignitaries will be attending the covenant, council members leave, D-mans runes are familiar but I cannot tell explicitly tell what • Ravenmoore does not remember Fanton, Neil, or Maximus. Erethil was an old sorcerer that died like 1000 years ago but clearly not. Letter from council that was Maximus’s is now blank. • In Ravenmoore’s room, she recognizes the mark as the mark of an old order. The mark means that we are being hunted by an old ancient group that “put down things unnatural to this plane” like order of the Liken, profance soul, ghost slaiers, and mutants. Erethil and the orders disappeared at the same time. It only felt like we were gone for two/three weeks. The bloodhunters marks, eradic that that seems unnatural, thought they were gone but now just appears they just weren’t there. Everyone was marked for a reason, each rider was going after someone specific, Edward doesn’t because Hadrina intercepted Edward’s hunter. Ravenmoore makes the horse stuff unblurry, there is 3 letters and a scroll. Has some ideas about the “stone” but not entirely sure. • In the room, Edward says that there is a letter from the Darmitello’s that he needs at the party, the equipment he needs is at the Darmitello’s house. • The speech o Very first task with the council, tasked to find the missing scouts on the border of the Suncan union (Northern boarder, cave) We were successful in bringing them back o Went through dungeon, portal to ethereal plane (potentially) o Went back to capital and were tasked to figure out the blights, learned about Holy War (leave out) o Went to help Clark’s people and found that the wild life and nature was dying o Taken in by dwarven kingdom o NO MINDFLAIRS o Taken down to ivernous by “our investigation” into the source of the blight. There we met an avitar of Orcus who’s allied with Ceric. They are part of the upheaval in the heavens and cause of the blight. Material plane will see conflict o Ventured back to the material plane and now we are here o Portal was “near” dwarven kingdom in the North • Globunk’s mission: Wants the Lords “funny” hat, one hat no wig. Two lords, one half-wig and a fluffy hat • 275 left in gold


• Went down farther in the dungeon, found a room with an evil plant and dead (sucked of life) bodies • We killed the bad things, there is a tapestry in the top left of the room, we are going to rest. The white things we were fighting were ‘ghasts’. Their claws cause rigormortus and known for their stinky smell. • We go to a sort of common room, Clark breaks open the North door and a hoard of Zombies await us, we all run to the East door and hide behind it. Behind the East door, there are five knights, they are ethereal in nature.


• Woke up and had breakfast then went to the library. Found out that the Prince of Lies takes favors from other deities to give them more power. Not much about Lethander. I found a few historic adventurer journals, nothing surprising but there is tell of a scandal that happened in the kingdom, but I can’t quite tell what it is yet. • Went to the mines and, all but me, talked to the foremen. Yes people are going missing, foremen doesn’t care if we investigate or close the mine, only cares about profit. People haven’t seen anything, but they have heard noises. • While staying outside, I see some gems in the minecarts (ruby, amethyst) • Go into cave and walking, I swiped some unprocessed gems • Some of the dwarves in the caves are bigger as in stand a little taller than a normal dwarf, but are very jacked, have short swords, some shoulder pads, and a leather helmet. • When down and found a door, opened door to open space full of 4 hooded statues. Underground civilization? The structures are quite old and do not resemble those of the dwarvin craft. • The drain/well may be home to some beasts. Cannot see the bottom. Used in early civilizations to divert the waterfall. • Left house smells like mildew and mold, not much in there. There are no chests ☹ • Right pavilion used to be pretty. Smells like mildew bc of water (collection of water) No chests ☹ There are some rotting tables and stone stools. There are loose cobblestone but there isn’t anything behind them, just dirt. • There are new scuffs, as if there is something that was dragged out or into the drywell (probably about medium sized) • The two statues on the wall have an inscription (written in modified type of dwarvish) “Those who violated the sanctums depths are being watched and have been expected” • I went behind the waterfall, there wasn’t anything to see, now I’m just wet. • We go through the big opening and start to get blasted with magic missiles from across the bridge, behind the torches, from sigils. • Ezria opens the door and there is a set of stairs we all head down. We come across a corridor that is clear. o Next corridor has a door to the left and an opening to the right


• Get into the Dwarvine kingdom after being attacked by wolves • Meet the dwarves and King (Bardur) Steel heart, the dwarf leader • The dwarves are work centered (German), they enjoy a good party and big meals but work always comes first. They worship deities of craftsman ship (Moradin)  


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