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CN Elf-Aasimar, Eladrin (Charlatan)
Bard of Glamour 8
64 / 64 HP

A sweet southern bell with a sharp tongue and a quick wit.

Campaign & Party

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Mon 3rd Apr 2023 03:02


by Hadrina

• Gideon Whiteoak has joined the party!
• Found the man who is orchestrating the murders, won’t tell name (bitch)
• Bo Hun is his name
• He turned into Dawnshire, can’t tell if it’s actually him or an illusion
• I shake my tambourine and now everyone is invisible
• Edward is now with the 5 lords, Zenkip is talking about Steelharts concerns
• Dawnshire diped though the door before attacking
• Ezria and Ryoko are incapacitated
• Edward finally joins the battle and becomes controlled again
• Ulises says they’ve breached the perimeter, they must have known the plans bc they are attacking from the West
• (it’s not actually Dawnshire but no one knows that except for Edward)
• Dawnshire is actually a tiger man, Rakshasa (Bo Hun)
• New letter: They’re coming, not sure how you’re going to get out of this but I think I know where we are (written very frantically)
• Now meeting with the 5 lords, there is a general feeling of panic
• Hadrina pulls a card, this deck is modded, cards have weird artwork that has been painted on, underneath is the word dungeon. It feels like I have all of the infinity stones, uncomfortable but powerful. For a mile radius (near tree line) I see and feel time seem to stop. Within an instant, the mansion and the surrounding biome disappear.
• Level up!

Hadrina's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. 9/11/2022
    09 Mar 2023 04:37:27
  2. 9/25/2022
    09 Mar 2023 04:38:38
  3. 10/21/2022
    09 Mar 2023 04:39:28
  4. 2/25/2023
    09 Mar 2023 04:41:45
  5. 3/25/2023
    28 Mar 2023 04:04:43
  6. 3/18/2023
    28 Mar 2023 04:04:43
  7. The Journal Entry’s title
    03 Apr 2023 03:02:01
  8. 4/1/2023
    03 Apr 2023 03:02:02

The major events and journals in Hadrina's history, from the beginning to today.

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Hadrina.

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