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'Squid' Garudar

Race Class Background
Half-Elf Sorcerer Sailor

Mental characteristics

Personal history

While still a baby, the ship Squid was traveling on with his family sunk in a horrible storm. Whether through sheer luck or divine intervention, Squid survived the accident, washing up unharmed on the shore. There he was found be a half-orc later known to Squid as 'Uncle Garudar'. This figure turned out to be the captain of a trading vessel, and as such Squid spent the younger years of his life sailing the seas and growing up amongst the rowdy crew of the 'Lucky Lily', where he got his name. During these years, many of the crew members grew to be friends, then family. The best of these was 'Buck' - a green dragonborn sailor who was running from the Kadmezzian authorities for unknown reasons. At one point, he bought his own sailing vessel together with Buck which they named 'The Stormborn' but they both returned to service on the Lucky Lily after the the Stormborn had been captured by pirates and Squid and Buck left for dead on an deserted island. After the fall of the Kadmezzian Empire, Buck was imprisoned by the Doradian authorities like many other Dragonborn. Not too long ago, Squid was approached by another sailor saying they had encounter a fellow in the Nordmark claiming in a drunken ramble to have had a relationship with a Elven woman which produced a child, but that this child was lost at sea. Believing this man could be his father, Squid pressed Garudar to set sail for the Nordmark. Even though Garudar thought this unwise due to the bad weather conditions and the dangerous of this particular stretch of sea, he was eventually convinced by Squid to do so. While on their way to La Calmar in the Nordmark, the Lucky Lily was hit by a terrible storm. While Squid had shown signs of unnatural power in the past, this storm seemed to be focused on him in particular, as he started to crackle with electricity and the winds whipped others near him of their feet. Fearing for their lives the more superstitious members of the crew decided that Squid was the reason for this storm and that the 'cursed sea-child' should be returned to the depths. Those who protested - including Uncle Garudar - were slaughtered by the mutineers before Squid's eyes. This seemed to cause the storm to increase in intensity, to a point where with a enormous clap of thunder Squid was hit with a lightning strike resulting in him blacking out. Once again, Squid found himself alone, washed up on some shore, without a possession and friend in the world - but now also carrying the guilt of having caused the death of the man who raised him. After being refused entry into La Calmar, he started his travel to the nearest inhabited location in search of his possibly only remaining family member.
Bright blue
Brown, short
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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