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The female ruler of an independent state, especially one who inherits the position by right of birth.   The current holder of this title is Queen Edea.


To become a Queen, one must first become well versed in archery.


Only a descendant of the Queen can become the next Queen, otherwise, they must be closely related by blood. To become a Queen it is necessary to be 14 years of age or older.


The Queen holds a ritual with the soon to become Queen, where they depart only for a week to hunt a giant elk, if a giant elk is not found and hunted after a week the new Queen does not gain the title and must wait a year until she may attempt again.


As the Queen, they must inspire and guide her people towards a brighter future.


The Queen maintains peace within the country and makes deals with others, making sure to respect nature and maintain the integrity of the jungle.


The Queen gains access to special elven equipment that is passed from generation to generation, and live in relative luxury.

Accoutrements & Equipment

The Queen must always carry with her the passed down elven made white bow.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

The Queen only looses her title upon death or when a new Queen is assigned.
Nobility, Hereditary
Form of Address
Your Majesty
Equates to
The Queen is equal in power to the Emperor of the Steoryn Empire, the Warlord of Casia, the King of Geladesh, and the Sultan of The Golden Dynasty
Source of Authority
Length of Term
The Queen maintains her title until she dies or the next Queen becomes of age
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