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a Goldanian sovereign.   The current holder of this title is Sultan Vinyard


To become a Sultan, one must first prove to be well versed in the art of trade, and has to be directly related by blood to the previous Sultan, such as by being his son, brother, or grandson.


A Sultan must be at least 10 years of age, has to be directly related by blood to the previous Sultan, and has to have been educated in trading.


The Sultan or Sultana holds a ceremony, together with the richest merchants of the land, after which the new Sultan gains his title.


The Sultan must take care of diplomacy and ensure the happiness of the tourists that visit The Golden Empire.


The Sultan has to work towards increasing the general income of The Golden Empire, making it richer than it was when they received their title.


Sultans live lives fit for gods, with luxury and entertainment beyond belief, they have access to the most exotic and rare goods in the world.

Accoutrements & Equipment

Sultans wear the most expensive clothing and jewelry they can possibly find, making it clear to those around them their status.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

Sultans only lose their title upon death or by passing the title to the next Sultan.
Nobility, Hereditary
Form of Address
Your Royal Highness
Equates to
The Sultan is equal in power to the Emperor of the Steoryn Empire, the Warlord of Casia, the Queen of Zar, and the King of Geladesh.
Source of Authority
Length of Term
A Sultan rules until death, or until he passes the title to his next of kin.
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