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Warenden is the capital of the Steoryn Empire.


Warenden Is mostly populated by Steorians, members of other races besides Goldanians are normally not allowed in the capital, or otherwise kept under vigilance to ensure they are not spies.


Warenden laws are very strict and must be followed at all costs, otherwise, you risk being arrested or even worst, banished from the capital altogether. Although taxes are high, crime rates inside the capital are extremely low due to the high amount of soldiers stationed inside its walls.


High stone walls with towers at each corner, the main entrance and two side entrances to the capital have raised bridges, the outside has a moat.

Industry & Trade

Warenden receives most of its income from taxes and trade with other Steorian cities, most of its exports being fish and farm goods.


The capital has high-quality roads, a huge port with many ships and boats, it has smiths, inns, taverns, weavers, schools, and much more.


Taverns, Inns, Grand Inns, Stores, Jewelers, everything a city needs Warenden has.


Warenden was once the greatest imperial colony in Elday, but after the age of sin, monsters destroyed it, being rebuilt by the Steoryn Empire in the year 345, it holds strong to this day.


Only Steorians and Goldanians are granted free passage through the gates to visit the natural beauty of spending time at the shore, other races are either denied entry altogether or are put under severe vigilance by the local guards. If not for trade, then those with enough money visiting Warenden tend to stay at the grand inns, these inns not only have direct view of the ocean but also have a underground bathhouse. One of the most beloved aspects of Warenden are the blue whales, once every year they come to feed very close to the shore allowing those in Warenden to see them for 4 days up to a week.


Warenden's wall and buildings are made out of whitewashed stone with orange roofs, except for the slums where houses are made out of wood and scraps, and are mostly falling apart.


Warenden was built in very plain land, it is at the edge of the ocean and one of the most beautiful places one could visit.

Natural Resources

Warenden is surrounded by forests that are used for firewood and building materials, it has many fields and farms inside and outside of its walls growing all sorts of goods and raising livestock. Although it does not have many metals in its surroundings it makes up with its import and export of goods. Warenden's most profitable resource is the export of fish that are caught directly from the ocean, they are numerous and of the highest quality.
Founding Date
345 RD
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Characters in Location