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Steoryn Empire

Currently ruled by Emperor Sinford the Steoryn Empire is the smallest county in The Obsidian Vale, but they are far from being the weakest, ranking number 2 in regards to military power.   Established in great plains, the Steoryn Empire has next to no hills or forests,  the majority of the land being grassy plains, and the temperature is just right, not cold, not hot.   Following in the steps of their predecessors, the Steoryn Empire seek total domination over all other countries, only recently allying with The Golden Dynasty.   To live in the Steoryn Empire is to give your life for your country, risking being drafted or having your home be raided, those who live in this country live in fear, but still maintain their heads high, remaining proud and motivated.   Currently carving its way through the Kingdom of Zar to reach Casia, the Steoryn Empire has grown tired of the neverending raids of the Casians, and are preparing for a head-on assault on their country, their first step in world domination.


Above all reigns the Emperor, he who commands the armies and defines the future of the people.   Second in power is the Grand General, he who commands all generals and their armies, answering only to the king himself.   The third most powerful people are the High Nobles, they are members of councils and pass laws, their words are final unless the King says otherwise.   Fourth comes the Nobles, they are either mayors of cities or take important roles in the capital such as politics and counselors.


Those who live in the Steoryn Empire learn to follow rules and learn their place.   Living in the Steoryn Empire means serving a purpose, and normally being narrowminded, believing to be above other kingdoms.   Citizens have a harsh life, being stepped on by those above them, but in return, they are given limited protection from the world and its dangers.   Those who live in the Steoryn Empire are always surrounded by war and death, having a peaceful life is unheard of unless you are noble in the capital.   In the Steoryn Empire "Battle and conquer brother/sister" is a common saying when ending a conversation, meaning you wish the other person a bright rich future.

Public Agenda

The Steoryn Empire seek to conquer and expand, promising to one day regain the glory they once had as a great empire.   War and domination is their goal, and nothing will stop the Steoryn Empire from taking back what is theirs.


Although small in comparison to other countries, the Steoryn Empire has one of the strongest military forces thanks to the help of The Golden Dynasty.   Castles and cities litter the expanse of the Steoryn Empire, they have troops to spare and asses to high-quality equipment.   Major cities, towns, and the capital are heavily fortified to prevent their destruction, but due to this their villages and hamlets are hardly fortified at all.


Once the Empire, those who remembered the glory days before the 7 kings got together to rebuild,  naming themselves the Steoryn Empire,  they quickly grew in size and power, and that growth recently accelerated even more due to King Sinford marrying an important Goldanian noble.

Battle & Conquer

Founding Date
4th of Steel, 147 RD
Geopolitical, Empire
Leader Title
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories

Extremely Friendly

The Golden Dynasty and The Steoryn Empire are extremely friendly with one another due to the massive amount of trading and the marriage of a Goldanian noblewoman and the Steorian King.

Non-aggression pact (broken)

The Theocracy of Geladesh and the Steoryn Empire had a Non-aggression pact until the Steorian King announced his plans to restore the Steryn Empire back to its original size, which means taking over and/or merging with every other country, including Geladesh.


The Kingdom of Zar and the Steoryn Empire are at war due to the constant attempts of expansion from the Steoryn Empire, going as far as building on Zarian land in the past.


The Principality of Casia and the Steoryn Empire are at war due to the constant raiding and attacks from the Casians.