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Elan Straibala

Let me begin with an explanation.

  I find it very awkward to write about myself. I have been avoiding writing an autobiographical brief, but as has been pointed out to me more than once, it's rather hypocritical of me to go asking other people personal questions for public profiles if I'm not willing to suffer the same. So...   My name is Elan Straibala, and I'm Eihlarian. That itself is an explanation if you know about Eihlari, but since I can't assume you do: I'm from an island that isn't strictly part of the Cluster. We've lived here more than twice as long as anyone has even known the Cluster Islands exist, and we're far enough away that we didn't get a conduit track until 2033 Vol. Even with the track, almost no one comes to visit Eihlari. In short, we're not used to talking to foreigners, and here I am trying to describe myself to foreigners I'll never even meet.   I'll begin by introducing myself properly. I am...

Neo-Scribe Elan Straibala- Harusedi.

Elan is my given name. I'm named for my father's grandmother, the previous Warden of his clan, which is unusual and requires special permission. He got it because my family is a sept of his. We exchange support and assistance, and sometimes little favors like this.   Straibala is my clan, equivalent to the bloodline in Cluster Islanders' names. Harusedi is the name of my father's male lineage. We use fleshline names so infrequently that I had to call him up to ask what his is, and he had to look it up to tell me.   The title "Neo-Scribe" is because I'm not fully accredited. I'm 17 and, in theory, concluding my apprenticeship. However, by taking on this monumental task of creating a guide to everything about the world in addition to my original objective of documenting the Water Seeker revival, I've both started my accreditation early and delayed my apprenticeship.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Not much to tell here. I had a satisfactory childhood; my clan isn't wealthy, but thanks to our sept allegiance with the Rruends we don't worry about going hungry. Because of that I am also closer to my father's family than most Eihlarians are, especially to his brother (my uncle) Nkeba. I said above that I'm named for my father's grandmother, but really I'm named for my uncle's grandmother. The distinction matters because she and Uncle Nkeba had a special relationship, and I was the first girl born in either clan or sept after she died. So even though we're not supposed to have favorite family members, I'm his and he's mine and that's all right with everyone.


Oh, I have a man in mind all right. I haven't let him know exactly because he's a little younger than I am, and I'm pretty busy these days anyway, but I've got a good idea he has an interest in me, too. It's also complicated because he's here, not at home, and...well, there's a specific procedure for introducing a man to the family, and it's going to be hard to do that from so far away. I do have an idea, but it's going to have to stay secret for now.


My favorite thing to do when I was a child was to watch performances, and until I was about ten years old my ambition was to be a performer. I did get to be in a few as a "child in the crowd", and found out it was nothing like as fun as I thought it would be.   Then I began to enjoy writing, and thought I would write performance stories instead of being in them. That also turned out to be harder and less fun than I thought, but my maestros noticed how much I enjoyed writing about performances, and when I was thirteen they recommended I investigate description as a field. This is also hard, and it isn't always fun, but the important thing is that it satisfies me in a way that getting inside performance never did.   My first description project was about Uncle Nkeba becoming Dancinglight after Sage Varenonde retired. After that I wrote about Water Seekers whenever I could. When it came time to apply for an apprenticeship, I wrote up a proposal to describe the Water Seekers from a firsthand perspective. Amazingly, my mentor approved it--probably because of my uncle being here to supervise me--so I came to the Eddy at 15.   Then, last year, I spoke to someone who inspired me to think more ambitiously. Haftera Djuur is more of a stranger to Cluster Islands customs than I am, being from the vastland. His suggestion of a need for a cultural reference work inspired me to take on the task of writing about...everything. Obviously it's too big a job for myself alone, but my accreditation goal is to lay enough of a foundation for others to continue to build onto.
Current Status
Once again, at my desk late at night trying to finish up a piece before I go to bed so I don't forget what I meant to say.
Current Location
Year of Birth
2053 Vol 17 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
The usual: in front of everyone in both my parents' clans.
Circumstances of Death
Probably still here at this desk, under an avalanche of notes. I've given up thinking I'll ever work on any other project in my life.
Current Residence
I should say I live in the Straibala clan compound, but I've been at the Eddy the last two years, so I guess I live here now.
Vanich says they smile, which I don't understand because doesn't my mouth smile?
Eihlarian hairstyles are usually loose, but because of the constant wind on Eddy's Island I have to keep mine braided and wrapped or it drives me to distraction.
At home I'm of average height. Here, I'm short.

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