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starter guide

Unc. Nk.--
Grat to the top! I knew something like this had to exist--where did you find it? The outpost reports are great, but this is GOLD! It'll be the perfect basis for my cred proj! Funny there's no real name on it, though. You'd think she'd want credit for all this work. I'll have to come up with a pseudonym, because I sure can't say "Thanks to the big fancy 'guh' symbol for starting this guide."
Unc. Nk.--
Did you actually read any of this? There's a bio of you, did you know that? It's accurate so far as I can tell, but reads kinda weird. I'll fix what I can, but will you check it over?
  ...Why is there a piece about me in here?! None of it's wrong, at least, but it's just family statistics. That's not useful, I'm scrapping it.
  Now there's just a list of a bunch of Rruend names and nothing about them. Who is this and how did they get into family records and why just yours?!
Unc. Nk.--
Serious question, who has access to Eihlari family records and somehow also knows exactly how they use ducks in Vitgrud? And knows things about szageki and tkevsa that it's not possible to know?! No joke, there's nonsense about how the tkevsa flew out of the ocean or something millions of years ago. MILLIONS. I mean, I guess I can't say that's impossible, but it's ridiculous. Maybe I can just...trim the worst of it out and let the rest go through.
Whoever this is has to have been making stuff up. There's so much about some town called Miridaswi, but when I try to corroborate the only thing I can find out is that the place exists! I can't blame it on losing the Zaiyev archives because everything else this person wrote came after the eruptions happened.
Unc. Nk--
I don't know what to do with this. Everything I can check out does, but so much of what I can't is impossible to believe. Like a detailed piece about some kind of blood ceremony performed by people who lived...I'm not kidding, this is the claim...a thousand years before the Oceanic Era even started. That's not in any outpost report. Haftera agrees it's nothing that vastlanders do. I can't use it; I'd never be taken seriously again.   I'm not mad though, you know that, right? I'm still grateful to you, wherever you dug this up from. It's not all as bad as I make it sound like. I'm just venting because I thought having a starter guide would mean less work, and instead it's looking like more. But it is a good start, and I'm getting an idea of how I want my version to look. So if you ever run across this "G" person, say "thank you" from me.

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Author's Notes

It's me. I wrote them. Started my world from an omniscient author perspective, then decided to hand it over to an in-world narrator. Sorry about all the anomalies you're having to deal with, Elan...

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