An Accidental Murder?

All friends have different dynamics. These friends might have just had the strangest one yet. They tended to disagree on most things, some of them petty like the best movie or best snack, and other things were a bit more serious, like political policies and moral issues.

They were always seen together. And always seen together arguing. That's when some of the issues happened.



Many think that arguing was just something they did, like some friends punched each other, other friends made a myriad of inside jokes. Jay and Jordan argued. However, neighborhood rumors said that something much deeper was happening.

Parents have said to have overheard plotting against the other. Down in Jay's basement there was a whiteboard detailing the various ways of murder and how to get away with it. In Jordan's room, there was a file on Jay and the multitudes of ways to kill him and how to get away with it.

However, people just got confused when they saw the two hanging out together. It was the strangest sight. Two people shouting at each other, all the while calming walking beside each other. Until one fight happened, where Jay and Jordan traded blows.


The Attempt

No one knows what the fight was about. It was during a hot summer day when everyone was inside. Jay and Jordan were at the neighborhood pool. According to the neighbors, there was a loud scream and crashing glass sound.

People ran out to find a broken window, the storage shed on fire, and Jay and Jordan battling in the pool. Several nieghbors jumped into the water and dragged the two boys out of the pool. They said the two boys had attempted to drown each other.

Jay and Jordan refused to speak about what happened that day. They said it was just an accident and no harm was meant.

Eventually, news of the incident died down, and the two boys went back to arguing and walking together. Until they weren't.



There was a river that cut threw the neighborhood Jay and Jordan grew up in. Several months later after their disappearances their bodies were found in the river.

Both had knife marks on their faces and hands. The knives were never found, however, some think the knives were the ones Jay and Jordan had given each other as birthday presents. The cause of death for Jordan was bleeding out. Jay died by drowning.

No one is quite sure exactly how it happened. And no one is sure if they caused each other's death or were killed by a third party.

However, it went down, there were two gravestones added to the cemetery that day. Jay and Jordan enemies for life. Friends forever.

Historical Basis

Jay and Jordan Killinger were real people. They were known for their efficiency in pulling cons, and were known for their excellent acting skills. They were also very private people. After pulling off a con no one saw them for the next several months.

Jay and Jordan did grow up in the same neighborhood and looked alike enough to be mistaken for brothers, sometimes twin brothers if they played it right. One similar thing that happened was the Pool Incident.

Both Jay and Jordan died young and their tombstones can be found. However, no one is sure of why they died. The only sign of injury was a cut across the throat for both of them, hinting at a suicide, but according to family members Jay and Jordan had been doing excellent in the conning business and hadn't mentioned any enemies that may have wanted to kill them.

However they died, and whoever killed them has never been discovered. This mystyer lends itself easily to the Neighborhood Myth.

Variations & Mutation

The main variation on this neighborhood myth is the mention of a third party. This variation claims that this "third party" was the one who killed one or both of the two boys. If the third party killed one, it is said that they sided with the other one on whatever the argument happened to be about. If the third party killed both of them it was either by accident, or it was because they were just tired of hearing the boys argue the whole time.

Some variations also detail how each boy died, whether it was at the hands of a third party or each other.
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