Graduation Day Tradition / Ritual in The Offenders' Neighborhood | World Anvil

Graduation Day

Welcome to Graduation Day! This is the day that those who passed The Entrance Examinations are officially recognized as Criminals. After this day those who graduated will be officially welcomed into the family, will be given official missions, and seen as real, true, criminals.


This particular neighborhood has always had a Graduation Day, however it has changed throughout the several decades The Exams have been in place. Before it used to be very simple, there was a short announcement made and sometimes the graduates were handed their first missions.

Throughout the years, the day would get longer and more elaborate. Now, it is typically an all-day occasion. Each Elder would make some speech about the creation process for each Exam, and how well the graduates did in their Exams

  Recently, awards have started to become more popular. The first reward that appeared was finishing The Exams first. This started off as a simple necklace of some sorts, and changed into a legitamate gold medal. The second reward that emerged was given for the team that finished The Exams with all their teammates. This reward was not very popular, since most teams were never able to finish with all their teammates. However, the third award that appeared was the Honorable Offender. The Honorable Offender reward was the first award that was given purely based off of the judgement of The Elders. The official qualifications for the award vary and are usually not publicly stated, however it is agreed that in order to win this reward it must be through some criminal deed that surpasses what is responably expected.


First, the neighborhood families will enter the auditorium in the Examinations Building. Once everyone has found their seats, the Elders will step onto the stage and begin their speeches. Once all the Elders have finished their speeches the graduates will climb onto the stage and recieve whatever awards they earned over the course of The Exams.

After the rewards are given, occasionally, one graduate from each team will give a speech. However, this does not happen often.


There are three main groups of people that attend Graduation Day. First, the graduates, (obviously). Second are the graduates families, and third are The Elders.


Graduation Day will always take place on Saturdays, which is typically a week after The Exams are finished.


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