The Ophidel Bunker

My Safe Space

The Ophidel Bunker used to be my safe space, before my siblings spied on me and discovered where I spent all my free time.

I had disovered it while I was snooping around the construction site for one of our houses. It was going through a huge make-over and no one was home. I wasn't going to touch any of the power tools or like interfere with anything. That'd be a mean thing to do.

I just needed to get away. So, I headed over there, and found a hollow spot in the floor. It was a trap door. So, I obviously opened it and it led me to this really old bunker.

Purpose / Function

As far as I can tell the Bunker was mainly used for storage. It had old cans of food and weapons. Most of the food was expired and the weapons old and outdated. When my siblings discovered it, they thought it could have been used as a place for planning attacks too, since there were some maps shoved into hidden compartments.

The maps showed some old layouts of The Neighborhood. Fewer houses, the Exam building was smaller, and the gym hadn't even been built.


In reality, it's a pretty boring room. It's square and there are shelves for food and some storage closests that held the guns. Some tables and stuff for the maps, but not much else. The walls, floor, and ceiling are made of metal. An ugly colored metal too.


My siblings and I have looked. Unfortunately the only treasure we ever found was an old Ophidel signet ring. It didn't even fit any of us.

Honestly, the only treasure this place has are the memories. I had fun in this room. It was boring when it was just me. No, I didn't like that my siblings had followed me, because they didn't think I could take care of myself, but the memories were good.

We could just talk here. Complain as loud as we wanted and no one could hear. We could shout and laugh. We could make jokes with each other without our parents yelling at us to grow up and be more serious. We could be anything we wanted to be in that bunker. That bunker was a time machine. It took us to the past, where we didn't have to worry about our parents or The Exams. It took us to an alternate universe, where our parents were kind and cared for us, at least they showed it more.

Special Properties

The Bunker wasn't magic. Unfortunately. The Bunker just contained a lot of magical people. Me and my siblings. We're awesome like that. Magical imaginations. Imaginations so powerful it could spin up the falsity's of life. We could magic away our responsibilities. We could wish away our harships. We could Avada Kedavra away the enemies.

The Bunker wasn't magic though, and neither were we. The illusion only ever lasted for an hour or two.


The only alterations me and my siblings have done was get rid of all the old food and get some sugary snacks, and tape some of our best art onto the walls. (That was May Belle's idea.) We also brought in some of our dad's tools to fix up some of the weapons. Henry hung them on the walls. It looked kinda cool. (I was kinda mad I didn't think of that.)


The only people who will ever come here are me and my siblings. Everyone else is strictly banned.
Founding Date
Alternative Names
Parent Location
Owning Organization


Author's Notes

This is from Marius's POV. He's more of a sub-character, who's almost there just to be a jerk, but he's more than that. I was hoping that this little article would help me expand on him, and see a little more into his character.

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Aug 22, 2024 01:32 by Glen

I need to remember to use my sidebar's too. It's such a reader friendly way to offer some more material.

Aug 22, 2024 01:40 by Jacqueline Yang

lol, yeah! I mainly just use it for quotes and little bits of info like in this article!