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Ceradrin The Emerald

Ceradrin is notable for being the only vampire capable of using the Lore of Life. In life, he was a powerful jade wizard and in his undeath, his main focus has been the ability to contain and use Jade magic. While he is still not as powerful as a wizard lord in the Lore of Life, he has managed to corrupt it to his own ends.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Before his rebirth, Cedra The Emerald was a wizard of the Jade College, a revolutionary thinker in the applications of his magic. He sought constantly to extend the limits of the Ghyran and eventually traveled to the Forest of Shadows to try to heal the dark forest there and to foster positive growth where the loggers removed large swaths of forest.
It was here he met Feodor Meront, a vampire, who would eventually become his sire. Feodor opened Cedra's eyes to the possibilities of drawing on Dhar to enhance his magic and how this murky green magic flowed through the Forest of Shadows.
While Feodor would eventually be captured by witch hunters, Cedra instead inserted him into society, keeping up the ruse of a continued life by only speaking to outsiders through proxies from his tower in Wurzen. To all outsiders, he was simply too busy with his studies to receive visitors in person, while in truth, his Necrarch appearance was a dead give away of his nature.
Current Location
Aligned Organization

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