Episode 1: To Market, To Market Report

General Summary

Prequel to The Enemy Within Episode 01 - “To Market, To Market” 2/1/2019 Post-Game Notes   Day 0: adventure hooks individual to each PC.   Day 1: Party meets at Sprinthoff coaching inn: hired by Jekel Schroeder to travel to Ubersreik and retrieve Lena Bauer, apprentice wizard of the Bright Order and daughter of a minor noble family in Altdorf.
  • Bring back the books she took from the study of her murdered magister.
  • She is not under suspicion; family wants to clear her name.
  • She was traveling with a dwarf -- Sturgill Reikdrinker -- now deceased.
  • Intel came from one of Jekel’s agents (Vlad’s brother now assumed dead.
  • After gambling on up-front payment, job now pays: 240/- each to start, 100 GC to remaining party members upon return of Lena and books.
  • Send updates to Jekel in Sprinthof, regularly, from Bridge House Inn in Ubersreik.
  • Reikdrinker was a dockworker; Jekel recommends party begins search at Red Moon Inn in the Teubrucke; ask for Jekel’s “friend,” Franz Lohner.
  • Rumors distributed.
  Day 4: Party arrives in Ubersreik in the early evening.
  • Scouts the docks, and several locations along the Teufel.
  • Secures board at Red Moon Inn.
  • Members gamble (and avoid suspicion of cheating) at backroom den at Crooked Hammer; Godabert uncovers leads from Gert, bartender of CHammer.
  • Beau embarrasses himself with a prostitute.
  • Lohner reveals more of his past and offers some additional leads.
  Day 5: Party heads to Marktplatz to gear up and follow a lead re: Heske Glazer, glass-maker who sells to Christophe Engels, the only licensed wizard in Ubersreik.
  • Beau, Kris, and Karl get fitted for custom leather gear: jack, breeches, and skullcap. Fabio Finnucci’s leatherworker; pick up in three days.
  • Godabert buys a hunting bow and some arrows.
  • Kris buys a sword, some herbal healing mixes, and a glass dragon statuette from Heske.
  • Karl buys several herbal healing mixes.
  • Beau buys drugs. Flirts with Ida of Cordelia’s Apothecary.
  • Party taken by surprise as a riot breaks out:
  • Beau amputates a Cavalcade actor at the ankle
  • Round 6: Party intercedes as three muggers harass an old woman and a child
  • Kris KO’d, Beau close to 0 wounds, but Karl comes in with a magnificent critical hit on one of the muggers:
  • slides his dagger under the collarbone of one of the muggers, and using a combination of momentum, leverage, and divinely summoned strength, opens his opponent up from neck to belly, rending his flesh with rippling tears, like popping stitches on upholstery, and cracking through his breastbone with muffled crunches. The mugger’s torso is halved, and everyone behind that stall is bathed in blood.
  • Altdorf soldiers march on the Platz. The Captain of the Watch silences the riot with pistol shots and arrests everyone involved. PC’s are led off, bodies are dragged off, and they spend a night in jail cells below the Watch barracks in the Precinct district.
  Locations scouted and NPC’s engaged: Auerswald/Sprinthof
  • Jekel (Jungfreud) Schroeder, your employer, former (current?) Son of Steel merc
  • Vlad (tall, one-eared Kislevite thug)
  • Strom (massive, squat, dwarf thug)
Bridge House Inn
  • Gunther (landlord),
  • Gustav (postmaster), and
  • Knitt (maybe-gay stable boy)
Red Moon Inn
  • Franz Lohner (proprietor; former captain of the Grudgebringers),
  • Ilse (runs kitchen), and
  • Hermione (young, attractive barmaid)
  • (the Cook - didn’t meet him, but you all ate his fish stew)
Crooked Hammer
  • Gert (bartender),
  • Silvi (proprietor),
  • Kurlass (gambler)
Marktplatz Vendors
  • Fabio Finnucci, leather worker
  • Heske Glazer, glassworker
  • Ida Vernt, apprentice apothecary
Boatmen’s Guild (location only) Guild House of Boatbuilders and Chandlers (location only) Dunkelfeucht (shanty town under the Ubersreik Bridge; rumored to be housing “The Baron” ; location only)   XP:
  • Kris: 65
  • Karl, Beau, and God: 70
  Interlude:   Karl, Beau, and God -- you spend the better part of the afternoon languishing in a jail cell with four other rioters: two halflings who were part of the Cavalcade, and two terrified townsfolk, a man in his late-50’s and a young lad who quickly ripped off his silver-and-blue armband and hid it in a pile of straw. In the early evening, along with the arrival of a meal of watery gruel, Kris is brought in, barely conscious, but bandaged up thoroughly. When you attempt to make a comfortable sleeping area for him, gathering straw for a stone bench against the back wall, the other four prisoners immediately acquiesce, clearing space and relinquishing bedding without hesitation.   Kris suffered a deep stab wound to the upper leg, and the hilt of his assailant’s knife cracked his hip, inflicting a minor fracture (-1 M until it partially heals; 13 days unless re-aggravated). The crit wound is removed, and all four PC’s recover wounds per normal rest while spending the night in the cell.   As the evening drags on, you overhear a variety of whispers and rumors regarding “The Marktplatz Massacre…”   “‘At’s ‘im dere! The Butcher of Bogenhafen! I seent it with me own eyes -- he cleaved that body in two with ‘is hatpin, he did!” “Yer a fool cunt, y’are. Lookit that dandy -- he no sooner could’ve killed a man as you could.” “They say a barber surgeon worked with Finnucci to stitch Henroth’s foot back to his leg…” “Haw! Henroth doesn’t have to pretend to be a mutant any longer… he’s growing new toes right outta his stump.” “Henroth’s dead!” “No he ain’t. Twat.” “Was the Middenheim Mauler wot did it. He clubbed off both of Henny’s feets and stole his flask.” “The carnies started the riot! Couldn’t stand the heckling, I say it true.” “Was that gang of mercenaries -- the Jungfreuds hired ‘em to cause a stir. Got outta hand.” “No no no -- the Altdorf pricks threw the first punches. It’s their fault. All their fault.” “The Mauler and the Butcher and their gang… Them’s the ones wot started the riot. They’re all getting strung up at dawn.”   Day 6: Come morning, the cells empty one by one, as prisoners are led away by guards for their court hearing. By mid-morning, you four are the only ones left in the jail...  

Rewards Granted

XP: Kris: 65 Karl, Beau, and God: 70
The Enemy Within
Report Date
19 Apr 2023


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