Franz Lohner

Franz Lohner is the proprietor of the New Red Moon Inn in Ubersreik's dockside district, the Teubrucke. The tavern was built in 2512 over the ruins of the original Red Moon Inn, which was destroyed by a fire earlier in the year.   The two-storey New Red Moon Inn primarily caters to boatmen plying their trade up and down the Teufel. It’s the cleanest of the dock-side hostels, and, since rebuilt, one of the nicest. The lower floor is built from solid stone and includes a large drinking hall, common room, and small kitchen. The upper floor is timber and lathe and contains the inn’s private rooms, and a room for Franz. The main drinking hall has a row of quiet booths all slung with heavy curtains to provide a little privacy.   Franz, a no-nonsense Mercenary-done-disheveledhis 40s. He employs Ilse Bierwirth, a matronly woman in her 50s, to clean rooms and wait tables. Johann Fischart works in the kitchens, cooking dinner, and two younger workers, Hermione Kohler and Detlev Rosenberger, help serve during busier times. All Fischart ever produces is potato and fish stew. A wholesome meal, but one that doesn’t make the best breakfast in the morning when served as cold leftovers.   Franz has a mysterious past. When deep in his cups, he tells tales of being an officer in the Grudgebringers, a mercenary company of much renown. But such days of adventure are behind him, much like the old shield hanging behind his bar. However, it appears Lohner’s Grudgebringer past brings trouble as old enemies gather at his gate. Fortunately, Lohner sensed danger approaching and avoided any confrontation, which provided opportunities to scout those moving against him. He now knows of the following incoming threats: an angry Slayer, a shadowy assassin, a Border Prince’s agents, and a ghostly something haunting his inn.  
When he first meets the adventurers later to be known as The Wrecking Crew, he drunkenly offers them free room & board if they can help him enact a rather harebrained scheme. He will announce loudly his inn’s closure for business on the night of his birthday, so he can have a quiet evening of prayer to Shallya, Goddess of Mercy, to thank her for his long life. This, he hopes, will lure his foes to attack. He will then blow up the inn, killing as many of his enemies as possible, then fake his death.   With the Crew's help, and the resources provided by Grodni Surehammer of the Axe and Hammer, herbalist (and secret magic-user) Cordelia Wesselingh, and Kurt Prochnow of the Guild of Boatbuilders and Chandlers, the plan proceeds and on the 5th of Nachgeheim, 2512, enchanted bombs are detonated throughout the Inn, vanquishing Lohner's enemies (and a straw dummy in Franz's likeness) in dramatic fashion.   Weeks later, Franz tracks down each member of the Crew. He explains how the experience made him feel more alive than ever, and faking his death just wasn't for him. With investment capital from the Crew, he begins rebuilding the Inn, promising that Karl, Kris, God, and Beau will always have a welcoming place to eat and drink when they are in Ubersreik.

Innkeeper of the Red Moon Inn in Ubersreik; former mercenary

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