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Discovery, Scientific


Investigations on the status of the city, and a Jade Sceptre cell gets slaughtered

7 am Breakfast 8 am Investigate Von Wittgenstein. Charlotte Spots Purple Hand Cultists, they pursue through the very crowded streets, many fall, including the cultists but Uhler and Gabrielle eventually catch them. They interrogate the Cultists. • Purple Hand Ordered to cease all activity including catching Kastur and concentrate on supporting the new tax. • Lieberung is High Ranking Magister that was going to turn over inheritance • Learns the codes, including what the box message meant • Learn from him about a Slaanesh Cult the Jade Scepter, and Red Crown is in town They let the Cultist go.   Discover Taxes and decide to investigate. 11 am:   Elsa Carousing: When Were the Taxes Passed? The tax changes were introduced just under a month ago. Some taxes are taken when entering and leaving the city, and a widespread belief is that they have been introduced to coincide with Carnival, to rake in more money from visitors. Others are taken at the end of every month. The first monthly payment is due at the end of the Carnival. So far, the authorities have been very zealous about collecting them.   Who Sets the Tax Laws? The average citizen can only give partial, and sometimes misleading, information. By far the most common reply points to the Chancellor, since his prime role is the implementation of fiscal policy. Other candidates are the Graf and the Law Lords, both being seen as great wielders of power. A more enlightened informant may direct the Characters to the Worshipful GuiId of Legalists, saying that they can get a fuller version there.   Charlotte Goes to investigate the Worshipful Guild of Legalists:   Learns much in technicality and the Names of the 3 Law Lords. They then go to the Komission for Commerce, Trade and Taxation: Nothing is told to them and they are seen only by a low level clerk.   They then go on to the Mages Guild. Gabrielle Pays one crown to be instated for Carnival Week. They get no information but Gabrielle sets up contacts for the Mages Guild of Ubersreik and sends many that are anxious to leave Middenheim because of the Tax to go to Sebastien’s guild in Ubersreik.   Elsa and Uhler go to the Non human Komission. They get information on how they feel and Rallanes possible role in it.   They then visit the other temples:   If the taxes are another weapon in the growing religious strife, then the Graf must be in favour of the suppression of other religions. It seems possible that they may be a prelude to other measures against Sigmar and Altdorf, culminating in the outright secession of Middenheim, Middenland, and much of the north. The Characters cannot be sure until they know more, but with the stakes potentially so high, they must find out the truth.   They return to the Templar’s Arms and have their meal.  

Vorgeheim 29, 2514

    12 pm: At the Templars Arms, Ottilia notices some patrons trying to hold up a drunk, with very glazed eyes. Ottilia Suspects some kind of poison. It is too early in the morning for anyone to be this Drunk.   Elsa: Asks around the Tavern: Questioning the staff and bystanders turns up that the man came into the tent with his fiancée and a number of friends and relations from both families. He ordered a beer, took one sip, and spat it out with an oath, saying that it was not beer at all. The embarrassed tent staff took the barrel off and were in the process of tapping another one when the drinker apparently went insane.   Bartender tells Wolfgang, there was an unmarked barrel he served the guest from but he can’t locate it. Uhler manages to find tracks, to a small house. They find Von Wittgenstein, at the house signalling a person. Uhler, shadows the donkey cart carrying barrels and follows them to the Templar’s Downfall Tavern. • Elsa inquires at the tavern but nothing turns up • Charlotte Charms the watch captains and then cites Law as to why the Agents should be allowed to go into the Templars Downfall. Destroyed a Cell of Jade Scepter. Wolfgang took 15 minutes to recognize poison as Mosca. One Cultist identifies this as the plans of Gottard Von Wittgenstein. They do not have enough information to prove anything.

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