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Fellowship of Ubersreik

The Fellowship of Ubersreik have helped both the people and government of Ubersreik.  They are in charge of the Spy Network, The Wizards, and the Knights defending Ubersreik. Charlotte Recently left them to travel with the Apprentices.


They are a group of friends.




When Forced into the Ubersreik Watch

  • First Acheived Renown by acting as an honourable member of the Ubersreik Watch, and inspiring the rest of his party to do so.
  • Drew suspicion upon, and made the Watch captain Kumperklug look ridiculous.
  • While in the watch, proved the original cause of the Riot which got the Fellowship in trouble in the first place
  • Proved lives were more important than gold when rescuing Narbe Ditwin from a fire
  • Killed Teufel Terror while employed as Watchman
  • Defeated the Dwarven crimeboss Silverbeard
  • Defeated the Chaos Cult Shifting Grasp
  • Saved Many Lives

Released From the Watch

  • Discovered Wilhelmina Buffa was murderer of Johann Hoffman (Adventures in Ubersreik pg32)
  • Helped Franz Lohner Re-establish the Red Moon Inn by defeating his enemies (Adventures in Ubersreik pg 34)
  • Defeated the Gong-Tongue Goblin Tribe (Pg 36)
  • Sir Furic Defeated Gestaltenstark the Child of Ulric without revealing the curse he was under to preserve the reputation of the Cult of Ulric)
  • Defeated Wood Elf Cult of Nurgle (AiU pg 43)

Independent Agents

  • Defeated Basilisk in Grausse (If Looks Could Kill)
  • Relieved madness in Gotheim by defeating Jabberslythe. (Mad Men of Gotheim)
  • Defeated Cult and Daemons at the Hooded Man (Night of Blood)
  • Fulfilled the Oldenhaller Contract (WFRP 1st edition)

Meeting the Gravin


The Three Feathers

  • Discovered who murdered Bruno the Gravin's Judicial Champion and Brought them to the attention of Gravin Maria-Ulrike who was travelling to Kemperbad for a trial. Bruno was supposed to represent her.
  • Defeated Ordo Ultima Cult of Slaanesh Members

The Trial

  • Dammenblatz Agent defeated by Sir Furic
  • More Slaanesh Cultists defeated
  • Charlotte Uberklinge is successful in the Judicial Fight clearing the Gravin
  • The Fellowship impresses many officials at the Trial
  • Ursala who Kidnapped Magistrates Daughter is captured by Sir Furic
  • Daemons of Khorn Defeated
  • They prove the Gravin's Innocence

The Opera

  • Rescue their old employer Albrecht Oldenhaller from assassins
  • Kill the Nurgle Chaos Sorceror attempting to capture Oldenhaller
  • Prevent Dammanblatz bomb plot
  • Avenged Rechtshandler from Ordo Ultima AGAIN.

Nastassia's Wedding

  • Prevented Slaanesh Chaos Cultists from performing a ritual
  • Captured the Dammenblatz Assassin attempting to frame the Gravin for Murder
  • Prevented various murders from occuring
  • Recaptured Manfred the Sopanatheim insane heir, and escorted him to a Shallya hospice
  • Prevented the escape of Nastassia with a paramour so the wedding could go on and the Sopanatheim maintain honor

Lord of Ubersreik

  • The party supported and advanced the interests of the Gravin
  • Charlotte killed and Assassin that stuck the Gravin with a poison ring. Falkenauge cured the poison.
  • Party aided the Gravin in her debate with her rival
  • Defeated Skaven, sadly Weyerbacher was slain.

In the Gravin's Service

  • Killed the Rogue Witchhunter Hannah (Bait and Witch)
  • Successfully investigated the murder of Corporal Tylo as Hysh magic coming from the Vane to destroy his corruption
  • Destroyed the Cult of Unmarred Flesh, burned down headquarters
  • Defeated Jungfreud Loyalists
  • Discovered Why the Luminark misfired, and the conspiracy to bring High Magic to humans
  • Brought information to the College of Magick where Sebastien was promoted to Wizard Lord.
  • The Fellowship convinced the High Lord Admiral and High Lord Treasurere of Ubersreik to grant Gravin Marie-Ulrike Rulership of Ubersreik. Evidence was also uncovered about several Noble families which made persuading them easy
  • Solved the problem of Spittlefield


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