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Berebeli MUTANT attack!



Travelling to Weissbruck there is an attack by Mutants!

• Fair Weather • Strong Side Winds: Werner unable to take advantage of the wind.   The party is sailing downstream to Weissbruk. On the 10th, they see a corpse floating on the river. Shortly after this the Berebeli approaches a barge about the same size with Humans, mutants, and corpses of each. Wolfgang peers at the boat and sees strange forms ransacking the boat. They hear an owl sound and Uhler remarks that Owls would not be out and about at this time.   Werner catches wind and brings the Berebeli up to board. They kill 4 mutants and search the boat.   Down below decks they hear a noise. They see lots of wool, but Wolfgang notices a crate lid move. There they find Renate Haussier, a Pedlar from the Shaffenfest who was a passenger on the barge.   Werner suggests they take the Barge until next of kin can be identified. Renate encourages this and agrees to stay on and show them how to trade. Shortly after they reach Weissbruck.   Josef and the Party celebrate at the Black Gold Inn. Josef is tearful and everyone will indeed miss him. In the bar the party is confronted by 2 people making silly gestures like those in Altdorf. After a time they depart in frustration.  

Pflugzeit 11, 2514

  8am- 9:15 am: The same man and woman approach them. Wolfgang notices a purple Motif to their clothing. The party tells them to shove ff strongly suspecting they may have something to do with the Purple Hand Cult. The party tracks where they are going, Wolfgang loses them but Gabrielle sees they go into a building. That is where the party confronts them. The party tried to capture them alive, but the Cultists fought to the death. They get a clear mark of the Purple Hand tattoo.   9:30 am: Wolfgang decides to go visit Elvyra the Herbalist. When they reach the house they see it has been broken into. Wolfgang smashes a locked door and enters the house with the others. Werner casually asks why there are no drugs, plants, or herbs if this is a pharmacist’s house?   Wolfgang finds blood but no blood trail, yet amidst the blood he finds a note talking of something needing to be delivered to the Red Barn. Within the Kitchen a secret door is found behind a cupboard. They descend the stairs and Carolus is surprised by a form. They light the lantern and go down. There they see a young girl. Ottilia convinces her they mean no harm. The little girl is Liza and she relays the story of Elvyra’s kidnapping.   Ottilia takes Liza and they go to the Watch. 10:15 am: Watch seems very uninterested but one kind watchman agrees to look after Liza until Elvyra is found. They investigate around town, and at noon they go to the Happy Man Inn. Noon: The Happy Man Inn Elsa puts on a performance lasting 20 minutes. The crowd is incredibly pleased and she gets 50 pennies as well as the information. • Stayed for 2 nights, settled up last night • Talked about meeting a boatman’s friend • Boat leaves tomorrow morning • Old man Otto, a regular spotted them with a wheelbarrow heading north up to the canal. There is definitely a Red Barn there.   1:30 PM: The Red Barn The party quietly approached the barn and Carolus kicks the door in, surprising the Sentry. The sentry tries to convince them they broke into a regular barn but fails. He runs to the back of the barn with Gabrielle shooting him with 2 darts. The Thugs threaten the lives of Elvyra, but Elsa convinces them to surrender. 2 of the Thugs are manacled and brought to the watch.   3 PM: Evyra’s house. Disappointingly, Elvyra is not forthcoming with a lot of information. She does reward the party with some of her supplies. They spend the evening on their barge and prepare to trade tomorrow.  

Pflugzeit 12, 2514

  8 am: Search for buyers for the wool but find no one willing to buy.  

Pflugzeit 12-15, 2514

• Rain • Sidewind   7 am Depart for Altdorf via the canal.   On the 14th a River Patrol searches the ship and questions the party. Eventually all is determined to be in order.   Arrive Altdorf at 1 pm. Werner inquires about the Salvage. After several hours there are no records of Next of Kin and so Werner buys the Deed for 5 GC.

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