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Strange Portents and Josef's Crew

Population Migration / Travel


Vicious Portents and Strange Occurances in Altdorf

After several hours the party arrive in Altdorf. It is about 6pm. They arrive in the King’s Plaza and they begin to feel ill at ease. Suddenly there is FANFARE!! The Ubersreik Apprentices see Emperor Karl Franz in all of his glory with his Imperial Footsoldiers Marching through the Plaza. Overheard it is said this is the fourth time he marched this week.   Suddenly there is a call for Stop Thief! A passenger’s bags have been stolen. Elsa, Carolus, Uhler, and Werner pursue. Uhler Trips while trying to get the Thief and the Thief avoids Carolus. Else catches him quickly and Werner blocks their escape. Carolus shouts at them and they hand the bags over, Elsa checks to make sure nothing is missing. They bring the baggage bag and the Passenger is thankful.   The party asks after Crown Prince Hergard and get directions to his estate but by all citizens news the Prince already left for his expedition. The party therefore plans to retire for the night.   Before they do, they are approached by two average looking men, who are doing strange handsignals around them. They keep looking at Uhler Lang stressed and confused. Uhler Responds yelling “WHAT!” but the two men get scared and run off. A larger man sees them and the two men appear relieved and follow him into a building. The party laughs but checks their bags. Carolus does not laugh. They find an Inn and stay the night. It is uneventful.  

Jahrdrung 22, 2514

  The next morning they travel to the Crown Prince’s estate and find that he is indeed gone. The party goes to visit the University of Altdorf to find the professor that has Wolfgang’s Degree. They locate him with very little issue. Sebastien met Gabrielle and reviewed her apprenticeship. She went through a three day review and received her Magical License.  

Jahrdrung 25, 2514

After a time out in Altdorf, Werner meets his old friend Joseph and he introduces him to the Party. The party is happy to see a friendly face and they move on to the boatman’s inn for a drink. On the way is where Wolfgang and Gabrielle start to dislike the man, as he says the Nobles are all inbred and chaos tainted, along with the university being full of Daemonologists and Necromancers. The rest of the party seem to like him, but Gabrielle and Wolfgang argue him into a corner. They make it clear they are not liking what he says. They make their way to the Street of a Hundred Taverns.   The street is very busy and Josef points out all the different spots. After several minutes a strret preacher catches their ear.   I see Darkness Gathering as the Last House of Joy Falls - beware, for Shadows Over Bögenhafen stir! Then Beloved Morr, resplendent in Vestments of Green, stands astride Sigmar’s Great River. Yea, I see Death on the Reik and I despair! For then the Stained Hand guides the Once Mighty Lord, and this Power Behind the Throne curses us all. Lo, the Horned Rat then claims the Broken King atop his Throne of Lies, and the White Walls Fall, leaving our Empire in Ruins! Tremble in fear, ye mighty, for the End Times have come.’   Every party balks at the mention of Bogenhafen; its coming up a lot. The prophet of doom then collapses, blood-flecked foam at his mouth as he shakes uncontrollably and eventually passes out. Carolus orders all of the group to back off and they continue on their way. Josef Leads them to the Boatman Inn.   Josef buys a bottle of wine for everyone and then talks about how he is going to the Schaffenfest in Bogenhafen to sell wine. He offers jobs as crew on his boat, and offers to house the party overnight. He will also offer free travel for anyone that does not wish to be paid to work. Everyone except for Gabrielle and Ottilia agrees to the job.   A man in black comes in who is intimidating many people. He takes up a table in the center of the bar definitely looking for a fight. The Apprentices generally ignore him. Obnoxious nobles interrupt the evening making fun and bullying everyone at the bar. Carolus speaks up and Max, the man at the center rises and meets him on the floor. A conversation occurs, the Nobles and Bodyguards look on amusedly.   Max Swings at Carolus but he counters beautifully with a right hook devastating Max’s eye causing major bleeding. Max shakes it off and clumsily swings but misses leaving himself open for he next blow to leave him on the floor. A pool of blood was forming. Ottilia used a healing blessing of Rhya on him and healed him. Carolus told him to leave, the nobles applauded, and Carolus gave a body guard a look. Carolus demanded Max pay for the healing. Max is resolute that he will not and says “you might as well just kill me” and leaves. Max leaves the tavern with all onlookers jeering and mocking him. The bodyguards and Nobles leave shouting insults at Max. The party is treated to rounds for the rest of the night. The party eventually departs after celebrating with the townsfolk and Josef leads them to his barge the Berebeli. Uhler Lang, Gabrielle, Elsa, and Ottilia hear footsteps behind them and they see the two men from the square the night before following them. Ottilia also notices a person following those two.   The party keeps it in mind and continues to the barge where they plan to confront the cultists. They notice the cultists approach and they confront the two men. Before speech can be exchanged, the two men die as one is shot in the back with a crossbow bolt, and one is shot through the throat. The party cannot spot the assassin despite all of their efforts. The characters alert the watch, and the Altdorf watch makes note of the assassination. The party is questioned but the watch is not all that interested and it is easy for the party to defend their innocence. Wolfgang asks for affidavits and the Watch complies. The party finally retires for the night, but one member spends an hour long shift keeping watch.

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