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The Templar's Arms

Life, Relocation


The Fellowship sets up a Base of Operations in Middenheim

Arrive 6:15 pm on the 26th to Middenheim. The party is sent to the Viaducts where Elsa pays 1 GC in Tax. Appalingly, Ottilia and Gabrielle were subject to a tax of 15 GC Each! Elsa Paid it out of the Party. Otherwise they have no problems. They find a fine place to stay called the Templar Arms. Elsa really botches the initial setup with the proprietor. She Buys him 2 ales in apology. She agrees to a contract for a week of 1 single Room, and 3 double rooms plus accommodation and storage for her wagon and the horses at the Staller’s Livery Stables. The cost was 44 GC and Elsa Convinced Uli Breitner to accept the Gold and Emerald Diadem as payment.   They each have a fine meal and also buy a meal for the Proprietor. They buy drinks for the Barman and Proprietor.  

Vorgeheim 27, 2514

  7 am Elsa Negotiates for a week of Breakfast. They eat their Breakfast then they head out to deliver the crate and spring the trap.   They reach the building by about 9 am. They find it is boarded up. They inquire around and find out that witch hunters burned everyone to death. Nobody though has ever heard about the Captain they are supposed to deliver too.   After some time inquiring with locals, they go back to the building remembering the same trap that was set for them in Bogenhafen. They notice one local watching them a lot. Uhler makes eye contact and he approaches. He asks: Is that for Captain Scharlach? The Party smiles and replies… why yes it is!   After some conversation, the Boy says he will take them to the Captain. They know they are walking into an ambush. They encounter 4 cultists and 4 more block off their escape. The female Magus addresses them: Come with us and repent beforethe Magister Magistri, and your companions can live!’   Gabrielle Notes that the Magus spell will wear off in 30 seconds. They keep her talking that long. Gabrielle Signals Uhler and he attacks. Charlotte Charged the Magus, and greatly weakened her.   Elsa wound up with a torn back, and Ottilia ended up with torn ligaments in her arm. Elsa Nearly died but FATE saved her. Both Elsa and Ottilia are unconscious.   12 PM they bring the wounded to Shallya’s mercy. They heal Ottilia, and then Ottilia says she will take care of the rest. They return to the Templar’s Arms.   Ottilia Prays for her wounds: Ottilia Plays for Elsa’s Back while she is unconscious. When Elsa is healed, she awakens and Ottilia gives her medical attention. She finally prays. Elsa and Ottilia are fine.   The party stays in for Dinner and spends time in the Pub.

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