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Mistaken Identity

Life, Failure / Mishap


In which Uhler Lang discovers he has a lookalike!

  • Breakfast 8am
  • The party sees a posting for Bold Adventurers wanted in Altforf.
  • Coachmen don’t get the coach prepared before 10am and they are ready to embark.
  • Lady Isolde refuses to have any others travel in the coach.
  • Elsa engages Lady Isolde in conversation with the help of Gabrielle and Carolus. Lady Isolde becomes very friendly with Else and Gabrielle. Else, Gabrielle, and Ottilia all ride inside. Wolfgang, Uhler, and Werner ride on top, and Carolus rides beside on his horse.
  • They are under way through rain, and eventually reach a junction to Altdorf (120 miles away) but pass the Inn.
  • After a few more hours they come upon an awful sight. A crashed wagon, assaulted by Mutants. One Mutant is already devouring a body. When it sees the party it drops the human hand it was eating from its mouth and charges the Party’s wagon. The horses panic and bolt Hultz being dragged with them. Gunnar manages to control the cart and put on the brakes. To Uhler Lang’s horror, the Mutant charging at them is known to him… his old friend Rolf Hurtsis.
  • The battle resulted in some minor injuries and Carolus was unhorsed with his horse suffering a dislocated knee.
  • The Blessings of Rhya coupled with Ottilia and Carolus setting the dislocated knee saved the Horse.
  • Only Werner was left with mild wounds. While the healing was occurring and the others were searching through the victims, Hurtz came back with one horse. The party sent the two coachmen to look for the other while they searched through the wreckage. They find the bodies of the Coachman, 2 artisans, an Initiate of Sigmar, and a labourer. In the bushes with 2 bolts in its back was the body of another Burgher it appeared. One thing that was odd, it was the spitting image of Uhler Lang. Beneath the corpse, a bloodstained letter was found. Uhler cannot read so he asked Wolfgang to.
  • After a time, The Roadwardens arrived. They escorted the party to the Inn of Seven Spokes where questions were asked.
  • Fortunately for Werner a physician was staying at the inn.

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