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Destruction of Castle Wittgenstein

Disaster / Destruction


The Mutant Wittgenstein Family is discovered, Skaven run off with the Warpstone, Carolus finds the sword Barrakul, and Castle Wittgenstein is destroyed.

The party Sails back to Kemperbad. The intention is to take Ernst back for justice. On the 29th at night they dock in Kemperbad. They take Ernst to the Temple of Sigmar but he is screaming off the boat. The town watch comes and Elsa explains that Ernst is following the Ruinous powers. The watch back off and escort them to the Temple of Sigmar. Carolus, and Wolfgang escort him inside. After an hour where They were questioned, they left Ernst with the temple, his screams started already. They go back to their common Inn. While relaxing there, a servant of the Inn hands Uhler Lang a letter. Apparently it is from the Purple Hand. When Uhler asks who it is from, the servant points at a man in a purple hood surrounded by 4 thugs. He casts a spell. Uhler’s palms turn purple.  

Sigmarzeit 30, 2514

• Fair Weather • Calm Winds 8 am: Shopping   Move on to Castle Wittgenstein   11 pm: Arrive in Wittgendorf village. Moor up against the dock.    

Sigmarzeit 31, 2514: Day 1

  Wittgendorf is a village in squalor. 8 Beggars follow the party around. Carolus tries to scare them off but he is unsuccessful. As they approach the main town Wolfgang sees a lady that he recognizes from a portrait in the observatory, Lady Margritte. She is with guards in Wittgenstein livery. They were about to abduct a beggar and he has a severed arm, but Carolus and Uhler intimidated the Lady Wittgenstein into leaving. Ottilia tends to the beggar. The village does not seem as grateful as they should be.   They explore the Inn, and the Doctor’s house.   In the Doctor’s House Wolfgang spies a letter, explaining the odd habits of the villagers after the warpstorm. After this Rousseux the surgeon meets them in the surgery. They have a conversation with him, and Gabrielle gets a bad feeling about him, but they remain polite. Elsa charms him and he invites them into his study for some Brandy he claims he brought with him many years ago. However, Wolfgang notices this bottle is only a year old, and Rousseux says it’s a gift from Margritte. Wolfgang also notices a bookcase that will swing open. After the conversation Wolfgang goes to inspect the still. He sees the Rotgut. He also sees the Juniper berry sludge used to make it. He invites the party over to dinner to meet with Lady Margritte, but they decline in light on the prior incident. Wolfgang buys some Rotgut.   They enter the ruined temple of Sigmar. Wolfgang finds a key and a particular parchment paper written in classical. He reads it and the party gets a blessing vs fear. While researching in a room that the Altar key got them in, some beggars see the party. Else tries to talk to them but they say they cannot spare any more food. Wolfgang researches for an hour and finds the following information: • Wittgendorf used to produce crops in abundance as well as Top Shelf wines 100 years ago.   • The brother of the local baron, Dagmar von Wittgenstein, was renowned as an astronomer, and suspected of researching sorcery. He disappeared for a while on an expedition into the Barren Hills. He returned alone, bearing a large, lead-lined crate. The next harvest was a disaster. The crops failed completely and wine from even the finest vineyard turned sour. With each succeeding year, things got worse. Peasants began to leave the area, while those who stayed slowly starved.     • In more recent history, the storm of two years ago is also recorded. Its effects echo the decline that occurred after Dagmar’s return to the castle. After the storm the malaise afflicting the land clearly escalated, from mutated animals and people to warped vegetation.     The conversation gets better with the beggars and she realizes the food that the beggars are talking about are the corpses. This has rotten implications.   In the crypts, Carolus is accepted by Barrakul the Sword after Uhler and Werner failed. The party retires on the boat. But the problem is, Kratz comes to impound the boat. There are too many to resist, so they get off the boat, taking the money and jewels with them. They therefore stay in the inn for the night, keeping watch every 2 hours.  

Sigmarzeit 32, 2514: Day 2

  8 am:Head straight to the temple to explore the tunnels. They are stopped by a woman named Emrer. She needs help with her baby and the Party was kind enough to help her husband yesterday. Ottilia looks under the blanket and the infant is half Spider. She apologizes that there is nothing she can do. Uhler takes the baby and drowns it due to its mutation.   They go through the temple and into the tunnels. They are forced to kill 2 Beggars that became hostile. They find the tunnel leads to the Inn and to the doctors house.   Doctors cellar: They find a four armed corpse with arms sawn off. Gabrielle Senses Warpstone in the powder. They uncork the stopper and the warpstone makes the shape of a human face and animates the corpse in the cellar. After missing Gabrielle with a tentacle it goes into the tunnel. The party follows, it leads them to the castle and goes through a strange entrance.   10 am: back to the Doctor’s cellar.   They go into the house, back to the study, and Uhler and Dumpling force the bureau open. They grab everything they can that is worthy of implicating him. They imply that the Warpstone dust comes from the Castle and Lady Magritte. The Doctor is no doctor at all and is in on it.   12 pm: They decide to go back to the Inn at least and see if they can start up some sort of base. While in there, a group of guards come in. The party gets up to leave, but the guards demand they stay where they are. They begin asking questions to one of the beggars, and begin beating him, an older man. Carolus Intimidates them, and approaches one of them breaks and runs. As everyone moves forward, the guards break and run. The villagers feel very friendly to the party now.   The party knows they are in trouble now. More guards will come. They go to the Doctor’s house to destroy the Rotgut. Carolus Tells him to get out of the way but he cuts him down. Wolfgang cuts his arm and he bleeds to death. They destroy the still. And smash the Rotgut. They then storm the house. They order Frau out of the way and she complies. They attack the Doctor after he lectures them all while he’s still blathering. Wolfgang attacks and he parries and he even does so with Carolus. Uhler pelts him with an arrow, and Carolus becomes stunned due to the talking. Gabrielle shoots his leg off with a bolt, and he bleeds to death. They then search the house for more Rotgut or Warpdust vials to destroy. They destroy the Warpdust bottle they found a few hours ago. They leave Frau in the house.   12:40 pm: Once they exit the house they are met by the Miller Hilda. Hilda advises them to follow her because Kratz will be back and bring the same guard Regiment as last night. The party follows and the journey to the camp takes 30 minutes.   1:10 pm: After experiencing the strangeness of the woods, and the strange mushrooms with human faces, they reach the Outlaw camp. Uhler is at home and the leader of the Outlaws gets on with Ottilia because she is an ex priest of Rhya. They settle down for a meal. Elsa Entertains the camp, and they settle down for a very good rest.  

Sigmarzeit 33, 2514: Day 3

  8 am: Sigfri leads the party to the secret entrance of the cave. 8:30 am: They ambush Captain Kratz and his patrol. Carolus nearly decapitates Kratz and he dies. Then Carolus Kills the Beastman before he can even recover. The guards break but Sigfrid and Uhler shoot them down.   They reach the cave. They explore the caves and kill the mutant living in the tunnel system.   10 am: They find a passage in the ruined building. They wait until night to do their reconnaissance. 9 pm: The party scouts the outer bailey. A rudimentary map is made, and they use Uhler’s rope to leave over the wall. They return to the Bandit camp.   10 pm: They reach the outlaw camp and begin battle plans.  

Sommerzeit 1, 2514: Day 4

  The party and the Outlaws spend the day resting for battle.   At 7 pm they march for the castle.   By 8:30 pm, the ropes are hung over the wall and the attack begins.   The alarm is sounded, and the guards assemble in the courtyard. • Eliminated Skeletal Guards in the guard house. • Defeated Sgt Klinger at the Portculus. Dumped water from cauldron. • Killed guards in the Guard Tower • Took the Inner Bailey Gatehouse 8:41 pm Storm is about to break it is raining. • Garden Aviary 8:43 • Charnel Pit causes fear 8:44 • Temple of Slaanesh defeated Daemonette, but they succumbed to the incence, Uhler, Elsa, Otilia and Dumpling led them out and Uhler brought them back to the garden for shelter. More left to explore. 8:48 • 10:48 Resume exploration • 10:55 meet Ludwig. Learn about the family, he explains their conditions as mutants. Speaks of his son: Gotthard Von Wittgenstein. The conversation lasts 35 minutes. They part a little richer in spirit. • 11:30 Enter Servants Hall Elsa Convinces 2 servants and the cooks that they are new hires inspecting the grounds. 11:32 Dumpling Dresses in Wittgenstein Livery • Reach main hall 11:37 Notice the paintings change and how the Wittgensteins have changed since the Warpstone was brought. • 11:47 Slurd leads them to a room They go through 2 galleries including the Whispering hallway. • 11:50 Chaos Warrior in guest room! Bled out from a lucky hit by Carolus. He bled to death. • 11:58 Set out to explore the rest of the great hall. • Minotaur Breaks out of room trying to gore Elsa, Uhler kills it with one arrow. AMAZING • 12:00 am Clockwork room with many dangerous clocks. No one was injured • 12:03 am meet lady Ingrid and wind up slaying her because she did not take kindly to calling her corrupt and she had her cats attack. Her room was looted for 30 minutes. • 12:33 Finish with Ingrid. • Next Room has an angry ghost and they leave. • 12:34 Go into Lady Magritte’s room. 8 minutes looting. • 12:42 Lens grinding room • 12:47 In Library find many names of book dealers, Dagmar’s diary, and a letter to her chaos following brother Gotthard. • 12:50 Defeat the Wittgenstein Monster and Maggrite. • Spend about 2 hours in the library researching (This is where Elsa claims she found the fake letter and forgery by Mandala Wittgenstain claiming her as having Lineage directly to Ludwig Von Wittgenstein) • 2:50 am leave the Library. • 2:55 am They descend the stairs further and go into a room of Taxidermy. There they meet the mutant Kurt Von Wittgenstein. He has animals and human corpses stuffed in here. He engages them in conversation about how he likes his friends. Carolus kills him for his crimes. • They descend into the dungeons 3:00 am • The first room they enter is the winery. Wolfgang opens a bottle and finds though most of it dates centuries, it has all turned to vinegar probably from the Warpstone. • 3:20 am Fight Mutant Ogre • Move on after a minute and go into a room with a nailed door. Wolfgang figures it could be the charnel pit. • They move to the charnel pit, and find a tortured soul. Carolus cuts off his head to put him out of his misery, there was no saving him from insanity and now he would starve as his friend has been killed. • Emaciated weak prisoners are found. The party leads them to a spiral staircase. And they descend. 3:45 they bring them to the watergate. They leave the prisoners in the Guardhouse. They also find their barge, they go on to inspect. They see all the provisions are gone. 3:55 go back up the stairs. • 4 am Wolfgang finds a secret door. It leads to the Warpstone chamber. • Or what was the Warpstone chamber! Skaven have stolen the Warpstone and the adventurers at the last minute spot them. The Skaven easily out distance them because the party is not used to these kinds of tunnels. The Skaven escape and then a crash is heard as a poisonous dust is released. Some are effected but they only last for a minute. Just in time too because a tremor is felt. Wolfgang suggests the tunnel may collapse. The adventurers retreat to the Watergate, grab the 3 peasants and tax collector and leave through the Water Gate. They witness green explosions as the whole of Castle Wittgenstein is destroyed by Skaven Engineers.  

Sommerzeit 2, 2514

  Castle Wittgenstein destroyed. Escape on the barge, and they go back to Wittgendorf village.  

Sommerzeit 3-5, 2514

  Settle up affairs in Wittgendorf, and disembark for Ubersreik.

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