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Angry Dwarves in Grissenwald

Civil action


They Kill some Gobbos, Help solve a Dwarven feud and Find Sir Furic a new cook

Travel to Grissenwald. Due to Very Strong Winds and rain, Werner decides to stay in Kemperbad. Strangely, as they are walking through the crowd, Uhler feels a tug at his hair and a man in purple is running off with a lock of his hair. They fight off 2 thugs trying to burn the boat. They interrogate the thugs and just find out it was a beautiful woman mad at her lover who hired them.

Pflugzeit 32-33, Sigmarzeit 1, 2514 Day 17-19

  • Rain • Strong Wind Port 33rd   • Rain • Bracing Wind Port -1 SL to Fellowship checks in Grissenwald due to disgruntled traveller. 1st • Rain • Calm Wind 11 am: Arrive in Grissenwald. Sell Cargo.   7 pm: Inquire about the Black Peaks: Find out the Black Peaks are a disused Coal Mine bought by the woman that Signed Johannes letter and gave him the scroll for the ritual. Dwarves are not well liked here.   10 pm: Two Dwarves come looking for a fight. They start Pushing on Wolfgang and Carolus Punches them. Werner Joins in. Carolus Knocks one dwarf out, and Werner leaves his very bloody and near death. Ottilia is furious. She blesses the dwarf with healing then starts bandaging his wounds. He’s bleeding so bad that even Shallya’s Blessing wasn’t enough to keep him conscious. She manages to staunch the bleeding and saves the dwarf. She is furious at Carolus. The watch comes and brings the dwarves out. They engage the party in conversation.   The patrons of the bar all think that the Dwarves came into money and have been burning down homes.   The party finishes up then goes back to the barge for the night.  

Sigmarzeit 2, 2514 Day 20

  The news around Town is that another Farm has been attacked. The party goes to investigate thinking it is probably dwarves again. Werner buys a new sword.   3 pm: They go to investigate the farms. Gabrielle Finds a sword and figures out it is Goblin make. Gabrielle also finds small humanoid tracks and wolf tracks.   Farmers tell the party it is the dwarves, but the party shows them evidence it is not and disagrees. Elsa, when they return to the town goes to the market square and pronounces this to everyone. They are very convinced the dwarves are innocent.   7pm. The party waits at an outlying farm but there is no attack.  

Sigmarzeit 3, 2514 Day 21

  They ambushed 24 goblins at a farm. After 6 were killed they ran off. The farm was saved. They follow and track the goblins back to the Black peaks. They return to sleep and will go to the mines tomorrow. Sigmarzeit 4, 2514 Day 22   8am set out to the Black Peaks Mine 9:15 am see a bloody dwarf with Goblin bodies around him. Ottilia tries to heal him but he is too far gone so she instead casts a Blessing of Shallya. He recovers. Uhler sees the tracks leading from the mine and too the mine. He thinks they are the fresh tracks from last night.   10 am: They reach the mine. Uhler sneaks up on the sleeping sentry and slays him. The party goes in the mind to explore. They find 4 more Goblins and slay them. Gabrielle Scares the wolves away with Magic. Carolus Pulls the worm ridden supports from the mine and collapeses it, burying anything else inside. They think they thoroughly explored the mine.   10:45 am: The Tower   Uhler Opens the door and they see another sleeping Sentry. Uhler sneaks up to him, slays the Goblin but the Goblin Screams! Alerting the Tower. The Goblins and their leader Gutbag are defeated. Carolus finds a magic shield but he is unaware of it. Through Triple Fate alone Elsa survived.   They search the tower after wounds are tended to. Most of the rooms on the first floor are befouled by goblins. But after the kitchen in the bedroom they find a halfling named Dumpling. Apparently the cook of Etelka. She tells them Etelka left 9 days ago for a Norn’s river to get some Bare Pills. Wolfgang Figures out she must have hear wrong… Narn River to the Barren Hills. They were planning on going to Kemperbad first. They agree to take Dumpling back to Grissenwald.   They ascend to the second floor. The first door has a ruined lock and the goblins were trying to hack it down. Carolus easily kicks open the door. They find a Grimoire of Celestial Magic, Parchment and Ink. And a letter revealing there is something in the Barren Hills. It is clearly marked and signed by a cult of Tzeench.   Most other rooms were fouled by goblins, her bedroom was fouled by Gutbag, but there is portrait of Etelka in this room and the party gets a good image of her. They find a chest in her room with lots of treasure. Wolfgang while evaluating the items discovers a secret hidden compartment.   They carry the Chest back to the Barge in Grissenwald.   5 pm: They relay the story to the town. Townspeople organize to go burn the tower down because the owner was a Chaos Sorceror. The dwarves get word of the mine and head there.   The characters offer Dumpling a job on the Barge. They know they must go to the Barren Hills.

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