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The Gravelord


22/9 -1:00


Sommerzeit 6-7, 2514

Must wait a day for cargo. At night there is a battle with Purple Hand Cultists.   The next day, they load their cargo and then travel for Ubersreik.   Disembark for Grumberg’  

Sommerzeit 11, 2514

  Arrive in Grumberg. Sell cargo. No cargo to buy. Set sail for Ubersreik  

Sommerzeit 14, 2514

  Reach Ubersreik.  

Downtime: Sommerzeit 15 thru Vorgeheim 9

1. Gabrielle Due to the Gifts and artefacts she found is promoted to Magister by Sebastien the Wizard Lord   2. Sir Carolus is promoted to the rank of First Knight of House Ambosstein. Sir Furic was promoted to a minor Noble of House Ambosstein, and so he is training Carolus to take leadership of the Unit. Though Sir Thomas is a First Knight he is not yet worthy of leadership. Carolus was given one of House Ambostein prime Destrier.   3. Ottilia officiates over the marriage of Werner and Renate. Veera casts a miracle and Ottilia seals the wedding. Werner and the party agree to depart, and the party gives the couple the Barge as the wedding present.   4. Wolfgang applied for a Fellowship at the University of Altdorf and got accepted. He turned down the initial one from Nuln. He wears his fellowship robes normally.   5. Dumpling Hayfoot retired from the group to become the personal Attendant of Sir Furic.   6. Ottilia asks Faulkenaur to become his apprentice. He accepts, making Veera somewhat sad as she was expecting Ottilia to work under her at the Abbey. But Ottilia is getting a different calling. She is appealing to the Physicians Guild for membership.   7. Uhler Lang Left his band of outlaws and became a Hunter.   8. Carolus and the Party gift Sir Furic Jewelry   9. Elsa Purchases a Medium Wagon with 2 Draught Horses, and Plate Barding for Carolus   10. Carolus’ Mount Bolted but he got him back   11. Lack of food around Ubersreik   12. Food goes up 20%   13. Skaven Incursion that the party deals with. (Income Endeavor Each)   14. Destroyed The Necromancy Grimoire for 1 Absolution against their corruption.  

Vorgeheim 10, 2514

  As the party is getting their respective possession off the boat, they notice two people watching them. Carolus is about to go disperse them when one of them approaches. Before Carolus can shew him away he introduces himself as Mathhias Brucher. Werner hears the name and stops Carolus from digging a social hole. Matthias talks to Werner and tells him to tale to a man named Max above the warehouse. They are just the sort of people Blucher’s need.   They enter the warehouse and meet Max. He seems nervous and Charlotte, Gabrielle, and Wolfgang all pick up on it. They are not sure what he is nervous about. He needs a delivery of Porcelain Luxury goods to go to Marienburg. ‘All our own barges are otherwise assigned,’ he explains, ‘and all the independent contractors seem to have prior engagements. But you’re definitely available? Good! Good! Captain, while you and I complete the bills of transfer, the contract, and other necessary paperwork, perhaps your crew could move your boat to… let me see… Wharf number seven? Yes, seven. The goods are in warehouse fourteen, opposite. My clerk here can direct them.’ They overlook the contract and agree. The party will be paid 300 Crowns. Charlotte looks over the contract and sees everything is in order, including the fine print. Werner signs the contract and agrees.   Max suggests the Swan’s Neck Tavern on the Dock. An upper class establishment on the dock actually. Uhler Rolls his eyes and they walk in. After about an hour they hear the conversation is about the destruction of Wittgenstein Castle. There are many theories but the prevalent one is that Sigmar struck them down.   They finish their expensive meal, and meet a man named Alex Eisen. He offers them many drinks and they listen to his business successes. He also mentions the fun of the Middenheim Carnival which lasts a full week. Everyone in the Inn agrees it will be fun.   For a few shillings they talk to a merchant about the Bluchers. They are a powerful merchant family but he elves do not like them much.   Frida Bismark is talking to them about Marienburg. Elsa mentions they are bringing cargo there and she acts surprised because she asked a Blucher clerk if they needed shipments there and they said no. The party finds out through conversation this is an honest merchant.   They go back to their respective quarters.  

Vorgeheim 11, 2514

  Werner is awoke by the Stevedores of the Blucher unloading the cargo they bought. Werner also receives an Invitation. Klause is the Blucher Stevedore. Werner goes to get his friends. Wolfgang reads the note. Invitation for a Wedding Anniversary party tonight, but they will need clothes. Charlotte also informs them they will need to bring a gift. Wolfgang figures out an appropriate one. Elsa finds an appropriate gift. The party grows suspicious why they would be invited. Charlotte suggests someone stay behind at the boar. Uhler and Ottilia not having any desire to go to the party agree. The only conversation around town for the last month has been the destruction of Wittgenstein. This might have something to do with it.   Wolfgang, Charlotte, Carolus, Gabrielle, and Elsa go to the party. Matthias seems troubled that not everyone is there. Charlotte, Gabrielle, Carolus, and Elsa are well received at the party, but Wolfgang is looked down a bit despite his noble blood. Elsa pulls off the roll of a noble perfectly and her earlings help. She informs Blucher that only Werner and Renate will be carrying the merchandise as she is departing with the rest of the party on her wagon. To where they do not know. (She does)   A man comes to talk to them, and disparage the Bluchers and the Oldenhallers. That’s when it hits Charlotte, the wife is an Oldenhaller, the one that hired them to find the stone of Nurgle. Elsa investigates the house a little further with Wolfgang’s help. Elsa only finds a partially burned letter indicating the Oldenhaller’s sent a letter that talks about a secret society wanting him to hire someone they are after.   our business why my principals are so eager to talk to these people. Although as I have said I may not name their secret order, they are not without power and influence, albeit of a questionable kind. Therefore, and because they have helped me in the past, I am certain that their good opinion could be of value to both our families. Should you locate them, they are to be sent to Middenheim, to Captain Scharlach, at the sign of the Crossed Keys in Hoffen Strasse. Trusting you and dear Karoline are both well,   Wolfgang keeps the notes and suspects they are being lead into a trap. The party leaves and Charlotte suspects that Matthias looks slightly nervous. They go to check on the boat and find out the rest of the party have captured an Arsonist. Questioning the Arsonist leads nowhere.  

Vorgeheim 12-15, 2514

  The Next morning as the Party is helping Verner, Max meets them at the dock with indication that Mathhias wishes to speak with them. When they go to his office in the warehouse he indicates a 100lb sealed crate with a letter addressed to Captain Scharlach.   Charlotte Takes the Letter to Thaelindra and relays the stories about Matthias Blucher. She looks in on him and finds out all the information available. The party waits for her to investigate.   Elsa Takes the letter to Thaelindra, and thaelindra accompanies her to the wagon. Gabrielle and Sebastien detect nothing with their Aethyric Attunement. It seems clean. Thaelindra keeps the original fragment, and a copy of the letter forging one for the party and replacing it back on the box.   The party is ready to spring the trap in Middenheim.    

Vorgeheim 16-17, 2514

  Werner Hannes Accepts Commision to bring Monks of Sigmar to Altdorf. Their reason is to address the growing tensions with the Cult of Ulric. Werner Takes two days to get them there, but in that time, they were attacked by a necromantic beast called a carrion. (Death on the Reik Companion VENGEANCE OF THE GRAVELORD).   Father Marcus the leader of the monks was slain by a carrion because it grabbed him, flew up, and smashed him on the rocks.   Things got worst at the Altdorf docks. Shortly after as the monks are debarking with Father Markus’ body, the body animates: HEAR ME! I CROSSED THE WILL OF THE GRAVELORD AND THOUGH I PAID WITH MY LIFE, IT WAS NOT ENOUGH! WITNESS HIS UNQUENCHABLE WRATH AND TREMBLE AT HIS NAME!   Gabrielle Recognizes through Magic Sense that Dahr and Shysh. Were used on the body. The temple of Sigmar demands the fellowship accompany them to the temple, especially Werner, and they are questioned. It is dusk when they are let go.   Downtime: • Charlotte: Horse Became Ill But Gabrielle Nursed it to health. She paid to learn the Research skill, and the Argumentative Talent. • Carolus: Commision for Barding, Income, Career • Uhler: Trained animal for fetch, Income, Career • Ottilia: Theology Research, Income, Career, Found out her old friend got hung by Jungfreud. • Elsa: Made an enemy in Middenheim of Brass Status. Preparing to build Troop 2 SL levels means 2 entertainers interested. Income Endeavor, Career. • Wolfgang: Career Change, Income, Career, Bought Book for Research +20 • Gabrielle: Income, Career. • Thaelindra: Failed Endeavor information of Jungfreud, banking, Income • Sebastien: Portents for advanced against Jungfreud 3 correct Portents, Banking, Income • Graf Furic: Increases Status by attacking Jungfreud estate in retaliation for Hung Nun, Status +1, Banking, • Falkenauge: Banking, 2 Income • Veera: Crafting Beer Fine x3 12/15 done, Income.   The Fellowship reaches Altdorf, at 8 am on the 17th. They say goodbye to Werner and Renaut, and head to Middenheim. At the Coaching Station, the party sees the same two men that originally signalled them with hand gestures and such way back in Jahrdrung 25. They were approaching the party but then one stopped the other after looking at the crate and they ran. Uhler and Charlotte immediately pursue. Uhler catches them in 6 seconds. Charlotte Impales one in the left arm and then kills another by stabbing him through the right hip. Uhler stops short of killing the other, to hear the cultist say : “Look, I don’t know what’s got into you recently Kastor, it’s been a concern to us, but if you’re on your way we’re willing to stay out of it.”   Uhler Responds: “What do you mean ON MY WAY???” He winds up killing the other cultist.   Wolfgang notes that the side of the crate with the messages was faced towards the cultists.   The Party Decides to buy 4 Draught horses for Elsa instead of hiring a coach.   They leave as soon as they get their Horses   Arrive 10 PM at Kutenholz    

Vorgeheim 18-22, 2514

  Wagon Journey   • Easily dispatch Bandits, Kill them, leave 1 alive and take gold. • Fight Beastmen and dispatch them • Witch Hunters Harass the Party. They attempt to open the crate. o Charlotte cites the law o Carolus and Uhler try to intimidate them but fail. o They fight the Witch Hunters and kill all four. o Uhler takes a trophy • Sons of Ulric stop the wagon, but they are free to go because of the Witchhunter battle. • Witness Survivors of Beastmen Attack and See refuges from the persecution of Ulric against Sigmarites.

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