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The Weissbruck Canal

Criminal Activity


Adolphus the Bounty Hunter begins his plans

Voyage on the Weissbruck Canal. • Notice all the Warships. All Apprentices are made aware that the most impressive warship with a crew of 1000 has not left the harbour in 70 years. • During the first morning down the canal there are group of roadwardens following them down the town path from Altdorf. Road wardens war in the third bandits near as there were two artisans killed by bandits found near the water. • The Beribeli is a big barge so many of the other barge Masters complain about how much space the barge takes up; “get your fat barge out of the canal!” and other things are shouted at Joseph. Joseph just laughs he doesn't seem to mind. He wishes all the Bargemasters well and blessings of Bogenauer. • They spend the nights at lockside inns and engage the locals in conversation. Much of the conversation is centred around mutants. It is a common topic in all the Inns.   By early evening the Berebelli arrives in Bogenhafen. They are waved through since they paid the toll in Altdorf. They are tying up the vessel when Elsa and Gabrielle notice a figure, Carolus immediately recognizes the man and his crossbow and suspects he is the person that killed the two men near their barge in Altdorf. He is obviously watching them. The party leaps from the barge and chases him into the Black Gold Inn. He is alas nowhere to be found.   The party starts to ask around the Inn about the man. This proves an easy task as Elsa has a way of making everyone at ease around her. They learn: • He is a bounty hunter • He arrived last night • His name is Adolphus • He is staying in the Trumpet Inn.   The party immediately heads to the Trumpet Inn. They suspect a trap. When they arrive they see Adolphus talking with two others in the barroom. Werner tries to blend in with the crowd, and manages not to be noticed. He overhears that Adolphus is planning an attack on the Beribelli. The party keeps watch as the thugs spread out, and Adolphus returns to a pint.   The party goes off to warn Josef, and post an ambush. They await in the Black Gold Inn and as Adolphus and his thugs approach the barge the party attacks. Carolus winds up striking a bleeding blow on Adolphus and he bleeds out fast and dies. The Thugs run but not before Wolfgang killed the one he was fighting.   They find a letter on Adolphus which indicates that Uhler Lang looks like the Master of Trappings of some secret society. The letter was most likely a fake, to lure this Kastor Lieberung out in the open. Disappointing but the party wants to investigate this in Bogenhafen none the less. This is strange and Uhler will always be looking over his shoulder if they do not.

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