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Saving Bogenhafen

Metaphysical / Paranormal event


Conclusion to Shadows Over Bogenhafen

The party keeps watch one per hour at night. Ottilia is the last on watch and by dawn she sees the moon is unmistakably a grinning skull. The body of a person the party talked to was found in the river. Similar mutilations to the Dwarf and Ulthang. 9 am: The party visits the Steinhager Warehouse:   Elsa using a bottle of Bugman’s Ale convinces the guard to talk. He tells them he beat the Goblin to death. This story contradicts everything that Richter and the Steinhagers have told them. The party was sure it was killed by falling boxes. Anton, the Guard cannot substantiate his story to the party and so grows bitter and starts shouting at them. The party leaves and heads for the temple of Shallya.   9:20 am: Temple of Shallya:   Only the Congress of Doves is present. Marlene Rubenstein is not available. They move on to the Bognauer temple.   9:30 am: Temple of Bogenauer   There is no priest present but the party senses a feeling of foreboding.   9:45 am: The party reaches the Adel Ring   Wolfgang Inquires with Elsa at the Ruggbroder house, Unsuccessful.   They are shouted out of the Teugen House and Gideon is aware of them.   They are just as unsuccessful at every merchant house, except in all but the Ruggbroder house when they were inquiring about the Ordo Septenarius they were told to go visit Friedrich Magirius, in the Merchants Guild. The party does that.   11:30 am: The Merchants Guild.   Wolfgang inquires about the Order Septenarius and is asked to wait for 15 minutes with Elsa. Later he is shown in to see Friedrich Magirius. He tells them all of this is a strange misunderstanding and asks them to Dine with him. Wolfgang agrees but asks if his Sister and squire can accompany them. Friedrich agrees.   12:15 pm: Golden Trout Club. Magirius offers anything on the menu and makes talk about irrelevant things. He talks of the wine and wool trade, asks about House Amosstein, and asks about their feelings on the Schaffenfest. As the characters talk about the Orgo Septenarius they bring up the hidden temple. Friedrich refuses to speak of such things until after lunch.   After the meal is over he orders Brandy and begins to speak about the Ordo Septenarius. It seems that Magirius honestly believes the Ordo Septenarius IS just a club. He has nothing to say about the Hidden Temple except that it is a mere meeting room used to impress new and lesser members. He seems to disbelieve any talk about the daemon and says it was probably just the trick of a light. They do get to tell him the surface location of the Hidden Temple. Below the Steinhager offices.   2 pm: With he meal and conversation over, the party decides to revisit the Shallya temple. The priestess is still not present so they move on to the Town Hall to report the Hidden Temple. They make their report and go to seek out where the Hidden Temple entrance on the surface of Bogenhafen would be. The Steinhager offices.   They make no headway at the Steinhager offices as Wolfgang’s letter fails and Uhler is caught sneaking in.   3:30 pm: They try the Temple again but no one is available. They therefore decide to wait and see if they can spy on the meeting   They await until Sunset in the Adel Ring. They do not get close to the house but they see all seven members that enter. Morrsleib seems to be licking its lips and it is showing very large in reflection pools. It is becoming more animated. The party decides to check on the warehouses again, and find out that Anton, the Warehouse guard has been killed in the same way, as the other mysterious kills. Elsa becomes slightly more corrupted by Morrsleib.  

Pflugzeit 4, 2514

  9 am: They return to the Temple of Shallya and still do not find the Priestess though they are assured she is fine and healthy.   9:30 am the party goes back to Town Hall: Uhler Lang intimidates Arbeitwert into letting them see someone. The clerk brings them to none other than Johannes Teugen.   The room is very dark. Teugen raises a glass to his mouth, and Gabrielle Notices he has fangs. They are given the same story as Feidrich Magirius gave, but gain no other valuable information. But they see his pale skin, and fangs. It is very dark in the room as well.   10 am: Friedrich Magirius finds the party to talk to them. They offer to bring him to their quarters in the Journey’s end but he refuses. They instead find a safe space from prying eyes and Uhler Lang keeps lookout. He reveals the true purpose of the Ordo Septenarius and that Human Sacrifices are involved. He hands them a letter signed a Etelka Herzen.   11 am the party is accosted by 9 thugs near the Journey’s End Inn. The party kills many and drives 3 of them off. Uhler Land is badly injured. They go back to the Journey’s End Inn to assess damage.   Ottilia figures she can heal up Uhler. She was setting it well, but then massively knocked it out of the socket causing intense pain. She recovered well and finally set the arm. It cost Uhler his inner resolve to ignore the pain though.   12 pm: The party decides to go buy protection and better weapons. They are successful.   3 pm: A messenger from Magirius hands the party a letter. Wolfgang notes it odd he did not stay for a tip. They immediately go to the house. They are greeted at the house by the same servant. He leads them to the study and there they see Friedrich with his throat cut. But there is a message in dried blood : WHSE 1 (3 0r 7)   Suddenly they hear a call for the watch, cried of MURDER MURDER! The servant turns out to be the daemon Gideon and he reveals himself to the party while gloating. He turns invisible and laughs.   The party grabs the purse and leaves. They immediately flee out of the back door. Uhler Labg climbs the wall easily and uses the rope. The others are able to get up. They jump down the wall, but it seems the watch knows who they are. They do all they can to avoid the watch while they travel to Warehouse 13 or 17.   As they are making their way to the Ostendamm they run into an area where they see a huge fire in a building. Running up to them is Elsa! She smiles back as a crowd is running after he shouting FIRE STARTER!!!! The Doppleganger then disappears. The party runs!   They evade pursuit and manage to find their way to the Ostendamm at about sunset.   6 pm: Morrsleib is rising high in the sky. The green light is refracting through the mist, and nothing is well. They reach warehouse 17 and investigate. They see that the warehouse is completely full, also with some of the wine that they Josef imported to Bogenhafen. The Night Watch catches them. The Warehouse Night Watch sicks his dogs on them but they retreat. The Night Watchmen calls for the watch, but recalls his dogs as the party runs away.   6:30 pm Warehouse 13: They spot the Teugen House symbol. The Party walks in and hides amongst the crates, ready to make their stand and get out of Morrsleib’s light. They hide in he back amongst the crates.   7 pm: Franz Steinhager enters with two apparent Laborers. He is using the materials from the Hidden Temple and begins setting up the Ritual Site. The party does not decide to attack yet because they can pack up and begin this another day.   8:45 pm: All members are finally present including Johannes and a man that presumably is Gideon.   9:15 pm: The Prisoner is brought in. They see it is a girl. Now is when the Party Attacks!   In a stroke of luck Carolus and Uhler surprise them, and they attack Teugen’s cousin who turns out to be Gideon as it is discovered when he is killed. Carolus immediately charges Teugen but not before he bolts Werner twice. During this Elsa convinces the 6 other participants to backoff and Ottilia comforts the Girl that was to be sacrificed. Mossleib shrinks to a crescent moon. Bogenhafen is saved yet everyone is still wanted for murder.   Carolus killed Johannes Teugen. They captured Franz Steinhager. Gideon has not yet dissipated. The Party uses that as their evidence. Elsa confronted with the Watch Captain and the watch, convince them that the Ordo Septenarius was trying to murder someone for a ritual with a demon. The Watch clears them of all crimes. Richter is able to recover now that Gideon is dead. Franz Steinhager becomes a contact.  

Pflugzeit 5-8, 2514

  The Party settles up business within town.   On the evening of the 8th they depart on the Beribeli. They head for Altdorf.

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